I'm setting up a radius only ser.
I would like to use the Mediaproxy for this setup, because it's a very well scaling proxy solution. Nathelper is not an option because there can be only one proxy server.
There is no Database-Backend whatsoever available. Mediaproxy.so requires the Domain.so Module to be able to run:
0(23605) error: mediaproxy/mod_init(): can't find is_from_local and/or is_uri_host_local functions. Check if domain.so is loaded 0(23605) init_mod(): Error while initializing module mediaproxy ERROR: error while initializing modules
Why is that so? What has Mediaproxy got to do with the Domain-Module? Why is it important whether a call is from or to a local domain or not?
Would it be possible to introduce an use_domain cfg parameter for Mediaproxy.so or is the dependence on Domain.so mission-critical?
Best regards, Martin
Mediaproxy architecture allows definition of different mediaproxy server farms per domain so different customers of the same SER platform can have dedicated NAT traversal capabilities. What you want does not conflict with the current implementation.
On Oct 18, 2004, at 3:01 PM, Martin Koenig wrote:
I'm setting up a radius only ser.
I would like to use the Mediaproxy for this setup, because it's a very well scaling proxy solution. Nathelper is not an option because there can be only one proxy server.
There is no Database-Backend whatsoever available. Mediaproxy.so requires the Domain.so Module to be able to run:
0(23605) error: mediaproxy/mod_init(): can't find is_from_local and/or is_uri_host_local functions. Check if domain.so is loaded 0(23605) init_mod(): Error while initializing module mediaproxy ERROR: error while initializing modules
Why is that so? What has Mediaproxy got to do with the Domain-Module? Why is it important whether a call is from or to a local domain or not?
Would it be possible to introduce an use_domain cfg parameter for Mediaproxy.so or is the dependence on Domain.so mission-critical?
Best regards, Martin