Alle 11:55, venerdì 22 aprile 2005, Llanos Serna García-Conde ha scritto:
I need help to know the correct path to get to see the login web page os serweb. My test page is My index.php is in: /root/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/admin/index.php /root/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/user_interface/index.php
you have to move serweb in a subdirectory of your web server root (/var/www or /var/www/html depending on your distribution) or link your current serweb directory in web server root. Be sure all files and dirs are at least readable by others.
I dont know if Im encountering same error too but after I configured serweb and set correct parameters there is no output on my admin and user interface page.
page_open (array("sess" => "phplib_Session"));
I think this is the root cause of the problem.. can you help me fix my configuration so that mg php and serweb will support this.
thanks, ed
At 05:55 PM 4/22/2005, Llanos Serna García-Conde wrote:
I need help to know the correct path to get to see the login web page os serweb. My test page is My index.php is in: /root/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/admin/index.php /root/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/user_interface/index.php
With my configuration rith now, I get the error OBJECT NOT FOUND, ERROR 404, when I browse:
Now I'll show the lines I think may be wrong on my config.php: $this->root_path="/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/; $this->root_uri="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'http://%22.$_SERVER%5B%27SERVER_NAME'];
Please help! Thank you in advance Llanos
Serusers mailing list
okay we need to also know what you have set as your Document Root in your webserver config file.
And if you have a look at your apache log files , if you have created a error log, it will list the path that cannot find the file at.
Llanos Serna García-Conde wrote:
I need help to know the correct path to get to see the login web page os serweb. My test page is My index.php is in: /root/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/admin/index.php /root/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/user_interface/index.php
With my configuration rith now, I get the error OBJECT NOT FOUND, ERROR 404, when I browse:
Now I'll show the lines I think may be wrong on my config.php: $this->root_path="/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/; $this->root_uri="http://%22.$_SERVER%5B%27SERVER_NAME' http://%22.$_SERVER%5B%27SERVER_NAME%27];
Please help! Thank you in advance Llanos
Serusers mailing list
Which is the DocumentRoot directive on your web server httpd.conf file?
Try add something like
Alias /serweb/ /root/serweb/
and restart the web server
hope this helps !3runo
Llanos Serna García-Conde wrote:
I need help to know the correct path to get to see the login web page os serweb. My test page is My index.php is in: /root/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/admin/index.php /root/serweb/serweb_2004-07-27/html/user_interface/index.php
With my configuration rith now, I get the error OBJECT NOT FOUND, ERROR 404, when I browse: