I am not sure I understand the question correctly. The order of commands
within a route section is important. For example you should call
lookup("aliases") before lookup("location"). Reverse order will not
what you would expect. Commands within a route section are executed from
the top to the bottom.
The order of route sections within a config file is not important.
On 15-03 15:51, Alan Litster wrote:
I need some clarification on the order in which the routing script is
We have multiple gateways that we trigger on various rules. Does it make any
difference to the way the routing script works if the lookup occurs at the
top or bottom of the script??
Our users accounts currently begin with either a 1, 7 or 8 and are of fixed
length. If we add a trigger that begins with one of those digits to send it
off via a gateway, you can't call that particular group of users.
Would it be best to do the lookup at the begining of the routing script or
add length constraints to the triggers?
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