Hi Jeremy,
One thing I noticed thus far. When selecting the
MediaProxy option,
why do all of the rtpproxy options get set?
Well, it uses nathelper-module for nat_uac_test(), fix_nated_contact()
and fix_nated_register(). And as soon as a module is used, all its
config parameters show up in the config. This may be fixed in the
future, but there are more important things on my TODO list ;o)
Also, other configuration examples I have seen use the
natping_interval to assist in those particular nasty NAT/Firewall
modparam("nathelper", "natping_interval", 180)
This will only be set (to 60), if you choose to use rtpproxy. For
mediaproxy, the following parameter is set:
modparam("mediaproxy", "natping_interval", 60)
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