I would like to use SER as a voip proxy as part of our communitiy for voip services.
Please advice me which versions are stable and tested to install with
SER+ NAT+ RTP PROXY combinations.
and please point me docs if any.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, krc
On Jul 05, 2004 at 15:09, Karunakar Chemudugunta voicexml@gmail.com wrote:
I would like to use SER as a voip proxy as part of our communitiy
for voip services.
Please advice me which versions are stable and tested to install with
SER+ NAT+ RTP PROXY combinations.
ser 0.8.12 from the cvs stable tree (rel_0_8_12; see http://www.iptel.org/ser/cvs/ for cvs usage or try the tarballs from http://www.iptel.org/~andrei/ser_tarballs/stable/).
For nathelper you can use either nathelper from 0.8.12 with rtpproxy stable or use the nathelper from unstable along with the latest rtpproxy version (recommended).
To use the unstable nathelper, copy it from unstable ser into ser 0.8.12 and recompile. For the latest rtpproxy use the same procedure as for getting unstable ser from cvs, but replace sip_router with rtpproxy.