Valued Colleagues,
I am trying to figure out how ANI and CallerID are handled/processed by SER
and by SIP in general.
I have understood append_rpid_hf can be used to add a Remote-Party-ID SIP header field.
Does Remote-Party-ID represent the CallerID or the ANI?!
How does SER include CallerID and ANI in the SIP message?
Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction as to where to look/read?!
Best Regards,
caller-id is represented by the rpid, and in theory can be set to anything, the ANI (auto num identification) is actually a "hidden" identifier which should not blockable or changeable, else 911 wouldnt really work.
Ser includes the caller-id in the uri, and also as you mentioned using rpid, in a appended header. As for the ANI, not really sure, but its not in SER I dont think, else it could be modified....which leads me to think that this is how you could spoof ANI
On 7/5/2005, "Ramin Nikaeen" wrote:
Valued Colleagues,
I am trying to figure out how ANI and CallerID are handled/processed by SER
and by SIP in general.
I have understood append_rpid_hf can be used to add a Remote-Party-ID SIP header field.
Does Remote-Party-ID represent the CallerID or the ANI?!
How does SER include CallerID and ANI in the SIP message?
Can anyone kindly point me in the right direction as to where to look/read?!
Best Regards,