I re-compiled ser on a red hat linux machine with radius-accounting support.
I added following lines in ser.cfg file:
modparam("acc", "radius_config", "/usr/local/etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf") modparam("acc", "service_type", 16) modparam("acc", "radius_flag", 2) modparam("acc", "radius_missed_flag", 2)
but when I start SER, I get following:
0(9526) set_mod_param_regex: parameter <radius_config> not found in module <acc> 0(9526) parse error (39,81-82): Can't set module parameter 0(9526) set_mod_param_regex: acc matches module acc 0(9526) set_mod_param_regex: parameter <service_type> not found in module <acc> 0(9526) parse error (40,35-36): Can't set module parameter 0(9526) set_mod_param_regex: acc matches module acc 0(9526) set_mod_param_regex: parameter <radius_flag> not found in module <acc> 0(9526) parse error (41,33-34): Can't set module parameter 0(9526) set_mod_param_regex: acc matches module acc 0(9526) set_mod_param_regex: parameter <radius_missed_flag> not found in module <acc> 0(9526) parse error (42,40-41): Can't set module parameter
and SER can't start itself.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Jawad Bokhari
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