Hi Lars,
openser automatically drops incoming messages less than 32 bytes - if
you wan to increase it, see the config.h, MIN_UDP_PACKET.
but not the keep alive packages may be the problem and you may have
indeed some broken sip messages.
Lars Sundqvist wrote:
Sorry if it is obvious, but what does ALGs stand for?
and is there any
way this can be prevented or any way i can find out from where these
requests come?
When I do a tcpdump and view the result in ethereal I can see we are
getting some UDP packets (that do not get classified as SIP) to the
openser port.
These contain 2, 4 or 18 bytes with: 0a 0d, 00 00 00 00 or the string
I've only captured a small amount of data so these might only be a
small subset of the ones we actually receive (non-sip packets that is).
Could these packets be whats causing the errors in the log? and if so,
can i somehow prevent openser to try to parse them as SIP?
Lars Sundqvist
Atle Samuelsen wrote:
Whild Whild Guess, but I bet itt+s some ALGs
that´s fucking up for
* Lars Sundqvist <lars.sundqvist(a)home.se> [060424 09:11]:
We have a few hundred users registered to a openser we are running and everything works
fine, however i get som error messages in the logs I would like to get rid
//sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
/sbin/openser[28867]: xl_get_from: ERROR cannot parse FROM header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
/sbin/openser[28867]: xl_get_to: ERROR cannot parse TO header
/sbin/openser[28867]: [REGISTER] from [<null>] to [<null>]
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR:maxfwd:is_maxfwd_present : parsing MAX_FORWARD header failed!
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR:parse_from_header: bad from header
/sbin/openser[28867]: insert_RR(): From parsing failed
/sbin/openser[28867]: record_route(): Error while inserting Record-Route line
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
/sbin/openser[28867]: find_first_route: Error while parsing headers
/sbin/openser[28867]: analyzing REGISTER request
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
/sbin/openser[28867]: find_credentials(): Error while parsing headers
/sbin/openser[28867]: pre_auth(): Error while looking for credentials
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: get_hdr_field: bad to header
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: bad header field
/sbin/openser[28867]: ERROR: build_res_buf_from_sip_req: alas, parse_headers failed
/sbin/openser[28867]: pre_auth(): Error while sending 400 reply
Anyone has a clue what I can do to debug this to find out where the request are coming
from or what can be done to stop the invalid(?) requests from being processed
and clutter my logs?
Lars Sundqvist
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