Hi Lode,
First, thanks for the hand, I've begun with ser, and I managed to get it working fine ... but i'm still working on the routing logic routines to get closer to it, i've found a lot of information at voiwiki.org, in fact, its been a long time i didn't see so documented site. The problem is that some docs are a kind of advanced, this could be due to my total inexperience at VoIP. I've first got Asterisk because, I need it to pass username and password again to another server, it's not possible in SER. Thanks for the Live Cd and the HD erasing Warning, i'm gonna check it out to see if it applys to my needs, and I'll let you know, for sure as soon as I can get it working.
Best Regards, Felipe Martins
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 15:48:08 +0100 Lode Vermeiren lode@a10.be wrote:
Hi Felipe,
Unfortunately I can't directly help you. I am just trying to get to know Asterisk and SER myself. What I have found is Asteriskathome (google is your friend), a bootable cd which installs a standard asterisk system. Watch out tough, asteriskathome by default erases the harddrive of the system on which it is booted.
Much info on VOIP, asterisk and SER can also be found at voipwiki.org.
If you find more info, would you be so kind as to share it with me? I'm also working on this, perhaps we can save each other some time.
Best regards, Lode Vermeiren
Op ma, 24-01-2005 te 10:26 -0300, schreef Felipe Martins:
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to integrate SER and Asterisk, put them to work together, ser ending SIP connections, and Asterisk acting as a REGISTRAR, logging the login attemps, passwords, and all the rest, in order to make a CDR and billing systems at asterisk. As i'm very new to VoIP and mainly to Asterisk and SER, i'm reading all the documentation I've found but I couldn't find any dox telling how to integrate them, with example config files and some graphs or something. Is there a link or Has anyone got dox on it ? It will be very aprecciated to have a link where I could learn it ... you know ... I'm already under pressure from the Forces ...
Tnx a Lot in advance.