we have the following situation: Multiple UAs are subscribed to the proxy and get INVITEd via parallel forking.
Now one of the UAs sends us a 302 status, we would like to handle this like a failure. So we'd like to CANCEL all the other branches, and forward the 302 status to the original INVITE.
We have tried t_reply("302", "$T(reply_reason)") in the response, which almost solves this, however we cannot pass the required headers form the 302 response in it.
BTW, could there have been a change in the default behavior of Kamailio? We think it used to "just work" in the past.
Thank you very much Christian Berger
On this point:
On Dec 16, 2024, at 8:38 am, Christian Berger via sr-users sr-users@lists.kamailio.org wrote:
BTW, could there have been a change in the default behavior of Kamailio? We think it used to "just work" in the past.
You may wish to consider the literature here:
t_reply() will cause Kamailio to generate a novel, endogenous 302. If you want to pass back the one received from upstream, you'll have to actually pass the received 302 back.
To trigger default reply-passing behaviour, just exit from the failure_route. As for CANCEL'ing the other branches, the parameter above should help with that.
-- Alex
Hi, if we don't send a t_relay and don't use the failure_route we get the behaviour shown in the image. The 302 gets ACKed, but there is no CANCEL. Cancel_b_method isn't set.
Thank you very much Christian
Am 16.12.24 um 15:41 schrieb Alex Balashov via sr-users:
On this point:
On Dec 16, 2024, at 8:38 am, Christian Berger via sr-users sr-users@lists.kamailio.org wrote:
BTW, could there have been a change in the default behavior of Kamailio? We think it used to "just work" in the past.
You may wish to consider the literature here:
t_reply() will cause Kamailio to generate a novel, endogenous 302. If you want to pass back the one received from upstream, you'll have to actually pass the received 302 back.
To trigger default reply-passing behaviour, just exit from the failure_route. As for CANCEL'ing the other branches, the parameter above should help with that.
-- Alex
the tmx module has a function that can be used to cancel active branches.
For locally generated replies, headers can be added with append_to_reply(...).
Cheers, Daniel
On 16.12.24 14:38, Christian Berger via sr-users wrote:
we have the following situation: Multiple UAs are subscribed to the proxy and get INVITEd via parallel forking.
Now one of the UAs sends us a 302 status, we would like to handle this like a failure. So we'd like to CANCEL all the other branches, and forward the 302 status to the original INVITE.
We have tried t_reply("302", "$T(reply_reason)") in the response, which almost solves this, however we cannot pass the required headers form the 302 response in it.
BTW, could there have been a change in the default behavior of Kamailio? We think it used to "just work" in the past.
Thank you very much Christian Berger
Christian Berger - berger@sipgate.de Telefon: +49 (0)211-63 55 55-0 Telefax: +49 (0)211-63 55 55-22
sipgate GmbH - Gladbacher Str. 74 - 40219 Düsseldorf HRB Düsseldorf 39841 - Geschäftsführer: Thilo Salmon, Tim Mois Steuernummer: 106/5724/7147, Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE219349391
www.sipgate.de - www.sipgate.co.uk
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