Hi All,
Is my query correct
SELECT t1.from_uri as orig_number, t1.to_uri as term_number,
TIMEDIFF(t2.time, t1.time) as duration, t1.timestamp as calldate
FROM acc t1, acc t2 WHERE t1.sip_callid = t2.sip_callid AND
((t1.fromtag = t2.fromtag and t1.totag = t2.totag) OR
(t1.fromtag = t2.totag and t1.totag = t2.fromtag)) AND
t1.sip_method='INVITE' AND
also this query displays all calls fron all user and it shows also all the
previos month, what can I add here to show only calls from a certain user
e.g 2009 and the current month?
I tried this:
SELECT t1.from_uri as orig_number, t1.to_uri as term_number,
TIMEDIFF(t2.time, t1.time) as duration, t1.timestamp as calldate
FROM acc t1, acc t2 WHERE t1.sip_callid = t2.sip_callid AND
((t1.fromtag = t2.fromtag and t1.totag = t2.totag) OR
(t1.fromtag = t2.totag and t1.totag = t2.fromtag)) AND
t1.sip_method='INVITE' AND t2.sip_method='BYE'
AND t1.username="2009" and t1.time REGEXP '-08-'; <--- I added this
but i had an error, hope someone can help me. thank you.
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