2010/6/18 Stefan Sayer stefan.sayer@googlemail.com:
but is that also true if the "Digest" appears as is in the ABNF?
just curious
Yes, there is no special reason for it.
RFC 3261 - 25.1 ------------------------- Many SIP header field values consist of words separated by LWS or special characters. Unless otherwise stated, tokens are case- insensitive. -------------------------
As all we know the schema in a SIP/SIPS URI is case insensitive ("sip:" == "SIP:"):
SIP-URI = "sip:" [ userinfo ] hostport uri-parameters [ headers ]
However SIP methods are case sensitive ("INVITE" != "invite"):
INVITEm = %x49.4E. ; INVITE in caps
So *any* string appearing in SIP BNF (as "Digest", "MD5", "tag"....) are case insensitive.
/Ragel-SIP-Parser/sip_parser.sh Authorization 'Authorization: DIGEST username="Alice", realm="atlanta.com", nonce="84a4cc6f3082121f32b42a2187831a9e", response="7587245234b3434cc3412213e5f113a5"'