Well, hard to give any general statements about that as the developer
interface may change from 0.x to 0.x+1. This means that modules
developed for a later version will probably not work for an earlier one.
That being said, a compatible module can be dropped into the modules dir
and compiled without touching other code.
Tracy Lofton wrote:
This is a hypotheical question, yet true at the same time. If i want
to add a module and its directory structure that is offered in a new
version but that is not offered in an older version (one that i have
for instance), which files are the norm that the modules are dependent
upon and vice-versa, and where would i need to add data such as
#ifndef, #defines, #includes for pertinent .c, .h files etc. I would
really appreciate a little direction, then I would not have to dig all
I am not complaining but rather just saying that I do not want to
upgrade everytime a new feature (module) is released but would prefer
to just add/change for the integration of modules/features which i am
interesteed in.
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