No, you don't need two instances of mysql, only two instances of ser.
Make two config files for ser, for example: ser.cfg for the main proxy ser-vm.cfg for the voicemail proxy. (dont forget to change the listening port as 5060 is already used by the main proxy)
start the main proxy as usual - manually or unsing the startup-script /etc/init.d/ser
start the voicemail proxy using the second cfg file, e.g. ser -f /usr/local/etc/ser/ser-vm.cfg
or copy the init.d/ser script to init.d/ser-vm and make the changes in the startup script.
regards, Klaus
-----Original Message----- From: Sesha B [] Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 10:49 PM To: Klaus Darilion; Subject: RE: [Serusers]VoiceMail
How do I run two instances of SER on the same machine? AS far as I understood, I have to run two instances of mysql and two instances of SER! Please help. Thank you.