Hello all!I am trying to setup a secure videoconferencing setup for my small office. After a lot of convincing, my bosses have allowed me to create a setup and have given me a live IP. I have used it on a Ubuntu 12.04 setup and want to setup a SIP server for very few users (less than 10, at most) to use it through Jitsi. I am trying to follow the tutorials available at:http://kb.asipto.com/kamailio:skypelikeserviceinlessthanonehour&https://... am able to log into Jitsi on independent machines, both behind and without a firewall. But the trouble I am facing is that the users do not appear online to each other. If I try to send a text message nonetheless, I get the "403 Not allowed" error.At first, I tried the config file for Kamailio provided on the first link. It had some problems due to it being an old version and the config file on the 2nd link helped me out. I suspect there is some problem with the PRESENCE module but I do not know what since it does not give any error whatsoever. I added the "#!define WITHPRESENCE" line and installed the Presence module but to no avail. My current kamailio.cfg file can be seen at: http://pastebin.com/bZJxVLfL(I have hidden my live IP in the text).My current /etc/kamailio/kamctlrc file can be seen at: http://pastebin.com/tV7Z9E8eI can upload the logs/other file content as needed. I am a n00b for Kamailio so you will have to be patient with me.Please help me out here. I have been after it for almost a week now. Cheers!GauravDear srusers! Get Yourself a cool, short @in.com Email ID now!