A couple of general questions about users and domains:
a) The module 'domain' supports multiple domains, but does not
appear to support non-unique user IDs spread across the domains.
That is, if your openser box supports
baz.net and
bif.com, then
frankie(a)baz.net and frankie(a)bif.com are "resolved" to the same
user, and are both available as frankie(a)your-sip-proxy.com
Is there anything readily available to support non-unique
user names in a multi-domain scenario?
b) On Sipura SPA equipment, and I'ld guess other equipment,
one can specify a userID and also an authID. The authID is used,
not surprisingly, for authentication with the proxy to register
the userID.
Is there any readily available module that puts restrictions on
userIDs? That is, if I enable {foo, foopw} and {bar, barpw} then,
right now, user foo can register to get calls to bar@ and user bar
can register to get calls to foo@... that's not good.
The way I'ld like this to work is very similar to an email server:
there are sets of unique authIDs/passwords, and a relatively static
set of aliases or virtual users. It's not possible for a POP mail
user to route inbound email to arbitrary userIDs to himself (although
outbound spoofing is easy).
Any hints?