Hi Iqbal, Jan,
I changed my log to /tmp/fifo in my ser.cfg and the serctl.dat file.
I then tried adding an alias:
Serctl alias add 7890 sip:aisling@x.x.x.x
Again I got the 404 flags expected error and I checked the /tmp/fifo file. It was empty.
I then did /opt/ser/sbin/serctl fifo ul_add aliases aisling@x.x.x.x 7890 0 1.00 0 128. (It would work unless I added those 4 parameters) It said 200 Added to table and the following appeared in my new log file:
:ul_add:ser_receiver_28642 aliases aisling@x.x.x.x 7890
However while this said added above. When I dialed 7890 to reach the aisling@x.x.x.x client, a 404 was sent to my phone.
Many Thanks, Aisling.
-----Original Message----- From: Iqbal [mailto:iqbal@gigo.co.uk] Sent: 24 August 2005 12:29 To: Aisling O'Driscoll Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Serusers] ul_add flag and serctl]
could try this
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