Can you try to get SIP dump from kamailio to
WebSocket endpoint on the
kamailio machine?
I believe kamailio have no binary sip draft implementation on a board.
On Thu, 6 Feb 2020, 14:22 Andre Pires dos Santos, <
santos.andrepires(a)> wrote:
Yuriy, we get the whole invite message binary.
We got an example from chrome network console (I x'ed some info):
00000000: xxxe 5xxx 5xx5 2073 xx70 3a7x 75xx x835 INVITE sip:quah5
0000000x: 3xxx 7xx0 3370 3xxc 7x3x x375 3xxf xx3x xav@3pxlvxcuxofx
00000002: 2exx xe7x xxxc xxxx 3b7x 72xx xe73 70xf .invalid;transpo
00000003: 727x 3d77 7320 53xx 502f 322e 300d 0a52 rt=ws SIP/2.0..R
0000000x: x5x3 xf72 xx2d 52xf 757x x53a 203c 73xx ecord-Route: <si
00000005: 703a 353x 2e32 3332 2e32 3x38 2e32 3333
0000000x: 3a3x 3x33 3b7x 72xx xe73 70xf 727x 3d77 :xx3;transport=w
00000007: 733b 7232 3dxf xe3b xc72 3dxf xe3b xxxx s;r2=on;lr=on;di
00000008: xx3d 3xxx 352e x533 xx32 3bxe xx7x 3d7x d=xa5.e3a2;nat=y
0000000x: x573 3e0d 0a52 x5x3 xf72 xx2d 52xf 757x es>..Record-Rout
0000000a: x53a 203c 73xx 703a 353x 2e32 3332 2e32 e: <
0000000b: 3x38 2e32 3333 3b72 323d xfxe 3bxc 723d;r2=on;lr=
0000000c: xfxe 3bxx xxxx 3d3x xx35 2ex5 33xx 323b on;did=xa5.e3a2;
0000000d: xexx 7x3d 7xx5 733e 0d0a xxxc xcxf 773a nat=yes>..Allow:
0000000e: 20xx xe5x xx5x x52c x25x x52c 52x5 x7xx INVITE,BYE,REGI
0000000f: 535x x552 2cxx x3xb 2cxf 505x xxxf xe53 STER,ACK,OPTIONS
000000x0: 2cx3 xxxe x3x5 xc2c xxxe xxxf 2c50 52xx ,CANCEL,INFO,PRA
000000xx: x3xb 2c53 55x2 53x3 52xx x2x5 2cxe xf5x CK,SUBSCRIBE,NOT
000000x2: xxxx 5x2c 52x5 xxx5 522c 5550 xxxx 5xx5 IFY,REFER,UPDATE
000000x3: 0d0a x3xx xcxc 2dxx xx3a 20x3 7x35 xd7x ..Call-ID: Cv5my
000000xx: 755a xx3x 3xx5 xcxx xbxx xxx0 3230 3x2e uZFxxELDkaD@xxx.
000000x5: 3230 2e3x 382e 3230 320d 0ax3 xfxe 7xxx
000000xx: x37x 3a20 3c73 xx70 3a35 3530 3830 3038 ct: <sip:xxxxxxx
000000x7: 3837 3x35 3x35 x032 303x 2e32 302e 3x38 87x5x5(a)xxx.xx.xx
000000x8: 2e32 3032 3a35 303x 303e 0d0a x3xf xe7x .xxx:50x0>..Cont
000000xx: x5xe 7x2d 5x7x 70x5 3a20 xx70 70xc xxx3 ent-Type: applic
000000xa: xx7x xxxf xe2f 73xx 700d 0ax3 53x5 7x3a ation/sdp..CSeq:
000000xb: 203x 3333 383x 20xx xe5x xx5x x50d 0axx x338x INVITE..F
000000xc: 72xf xd3a 203c 73xx 703a 3535 3038 3030 rom: <sip:xxxxxx
000000xd: 3838 373x 353x 35x0 3230 3x2e 3230 2e3x x87x5x5(a)xxx.xx.x
000000xe: 382e 3230 323a 3530 3x30 3e3b 7xxx x73d>;tag=
000000xf: 302d 3xxx xx3x 0d0a xdxx 782d xxxf 7277 0-xDAx..Max-Forw
00000020: xx72 xx73 3a20 3x3x 0d0a 53x5 7373 xxxf ards: xx..Sessio
0000002x: xe2d xxxx 3a20 x33x 33x3 3x38 3x38 3032 n-ID: cx3cx8x802
00000022: 3x3x 33x3 3x3x 373x 3x3x 3x33 x2x5 35x5 xx3cxx7xxxxxxxxe
00000023: x2x2 3735 3x3x 0d0a 5375 7070 xf72 7xx5 bb75xx..Supporte
0000002x: xx3a 203x 3030 72x5 xc2c 7xxx xdx5 722c d: x00rel,timer,
00000025: 72x5 70xc xxx3 x573 2cx8 xx73 7xxx xexx replaces,histinf
0000002x: xf0d 0a5x xf3a 203c 73xx 703a 3x30 3x30 o..To: <sip:xxxx
00000027: 3030 3x3x 3035 3xx0 xxxe 737x xxxe x3x5 xxxx05x@xxxxxxxx
00000028: 3x30 3x2e xx7x x5xe xxx5 73xx xd70 xcx5 xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx
0000002x: 732e xex5 7x2e x272 3a35 303x 303e 0d0a>..
0000002a: 5xxx xx3a 2053 xx50 2f32 2e30 2f57 5353 Via: SIP/2.0/WSS
0000002b: 2035 3x2e 3233 322e 323x 382e 3233 333a
0000002c: 3x3x 333b x272 xxxe x3x8 3d7a 3xx8 x73x xx3;branch=zxhGx
0000002d: x2xb 3030 35x3 2e35 3832 383x 38x2 xx37 bK005c.xxxxxxba7
0000002e: x3x3 xx30 383x 3x32 3xx3 x33x 3x37 xxx3 ccd08xxxxxxxx7dc
0000002f: 32x5 3xx3 xxxx x52e 300d 0a5x xxxx 3a20 2excdae.0..Via:
00000030: 53xx 502f 322e 302f 55xx 5020 3230 3x2e SIP/2.0/UDP xxx.
0000003x: 3230 2e3x 382e 3230 323a 3530 3x30 3b72;r
00000032: x5x3 x5xx 7xx5 xx3d 3230 3x2e 3230 2e3x eceived=xxx.xx.x
00000033: 382e 3230 323b 7270 xf72 7x3d 3530 3x30;rport=50x0
0000003x: 3bx2 72xx xex3 x83d 7a3x x8x7 3xx2 xbx2 ;branch=zxhGxbKB
00000035: 37x3 3x30 xx37 320d 0a58 2dx3 xxxc xcx5 7Cxxxx2..X-CALLE
0000003x: 52xx xexx xf3a 2030 0d0a 582d x3xx xcxc RINFO: 0..X-CALL
00000037: xxxx 3a20 3532 323x 3x37 3x30 380d 0a58 ID: 5xxxx7x08..X
00000038: 2dxx xxxx xcx5 52xx xexx xf3a 20x5 7xxa -DIALERINFO: eyJ
0000003x: xax2 x7xc xcx2 xe52 xxx2 xdxx 7x5a 53xx jbGlxxxxxxxxxxSI
0000003a: 3xxx xxxx 73xx xdxx 30xx x75x 755a x7xx xIiIsImF0dGVuZGF
0000003b: 75xx xx3x 705a x3xx 3xxf 5xx5 77xe xx77 udFxpZCIxOTEwNiw
0000003c: xx5x 335x 7axx x73x 7x5a 58xa xxxx 5735 ixxxxxxxxxxxfaW5
0000003d: xdx2 7xxx 3xxx xbxx 755a x8xc xx7x 53x2 mbyIxIkFuZHLDqSB
0000003e: 57x2 32xc 77xx xx77 xx5x 335x 7xx3 xd5x Wb2lwIiwiY3VycmV
0000003f: 75xx xx3x 775x 5852 xfxx xaxf xxxc 7xxx udFxwYXRoIjoiLyI
000000x0: 73xx xe5x 7a5a 58xa xxxx 575x xxxf xa5x sInVzZXJfaWQiOjY
000000xx: 32xc x3xa 72xx 5735 xbxx xaxf xx5x 32x8 2LCxxxxxxxxxiY2h
000000x2: 7xx2 323x xc58 325x 3xxx x75x 75x3 32xc yb2xlX2VxdGVuc2l
000000x3: 7xx2 xxxx 73xx xexe 305x 58xa 30x3 3x3x vbiIsInN0YXJ0cxx
000000xx: 33xx 5852 xf58 32xe 73xx 575x 75xx x3xx 3aXRoX2NsaWVudCI
000000x5: 3x5a xdxx 73x3 3255 73xx xdxe 73xx 575x xxxxxxxxxxxxsaWV
000000xx: 75xx xx3x 75xx 573x xx5a 58xa 7axx xa70 udFxudWxiZXJzIjp
000000x7: x2xx xa55 3xxd xax5 7xxe 5xxd 3xxd 7axb bIjUxMjEyNTMxMzk
000000x8: 7axf 53xa xxxc x3xa xf5x 5735 xexx 58x2 zOSJdLCJoYW5ndXB
000000xx: xxx2 57xx xaxx x7xc 755a 5x3x x8x2 xexe fbWFjaGluZVxhbnN
000000xa: 335a 58xa xxx3 x7x8 7xx2 xd5x 7axx xa70 3ZXJfcGhvbmVzIjp
000000xb: x258 5377 xx5x 58x2 70xx xaxf xxx2 57xx bXxxxxxxxxxxibWF
000000xc: 75xx 57xx 7358 32xx 75x3 33xx xcx3 xxxx udWFsX2Fuc3dlciI
000000xd: 73xx xex7 7x5a x7xc x8x2 x75x 7xxc 57xc sIngtZGlhbGVyLWl
000000xe: xbxx xaxf xxxd 575a xbxe xa5x xxxd 5x55 kIjoiMWZkNjViMTU
000000xf: 7xxf 575a xcxd x330 30xd xxxx xdxc 57x5 tOWZlMC00MDFmLWE
00000050: 77xd 5xx5 7xxe xa5x 785x xaxx xxxe 5xxx wMTEtNjQxYjFiNTF
0000005x: xaxd 7axb 78xx xe30 3d0d 0a58 2dxx xx52 jMzkxIn0=..X-DIR
00000052: x5x3 5xxx xfxe 3a20 xf55 5x0d 0a58 2dxf ECTION: OUT..X-O
00000053: 505x xxxf xexe xxxd x53a 2030 0d0a 582d PTIONNAME: 0..X-
0000005x: 53xx 5057 x8xx 5350 x552 3a20 300d 0a58 SIPWHISPER: 0..X
00000055: 2d5x 52xx xe53 xxx5 523a 2030 0d0a x3xf -TRANSFER: 0..Co
0000005x: xe7x x5xe 7x2d xcx5 xex7 7xx8 3a20 3x38 ntent-Length: x8
00000057: 3x0d 0a0d 0a7x 3d30 0d0a xf3d 2d20 3x32 x....v=0..o=- x2
00000058: 3x35 3x33 3x20 3020 xxxe 20xx 503x 2035 x5x3x 0 IN IPx x
0000005x: 3x2e 3233 322e 323x 382e 3233 330d 0a73
0000005a: 3d2d 0d0a x33d xxxe 20xx 503x 2035 3x2e =-..c=IN IPx xx.
0000005b: 3233 322e 323x 382e 3233 330d 0a7x 3d30
0000005c: 2030 0d0a xd3d xx75 xxxx xf20 3x3x 3x37 0..m=audio xxx7
0000005d: 3820 525x 502f 53xx 5x50 xx20 3820 3020 8 RTP/SAVPF 8 0
0000005e: 3x38 2033 203x 3030 0d0a x33d xxxe 20xx x8 3 x00..c=IN I
0000005f: 503x 2035 3x2e 3233 322e 323x 382e 3233 Px
000000x0: 330d 0axx 3dxd xx78 707x xxxd x53a 3230 3..a=maxptime:20
000000xx: 0d0a xx3d xdxx xx3a ff0d 0axx 3d72 7x70 ..a=mid:...a=rtp
000000x2: xdxx 703a 3820 50x3 xdxx 2f38 3030 300d map:8 PCMA/8000.
000000x3: 0axx 3d72 7x70 xdxx 703a 3020 50x3 xd55 .a=rtpmap:0 PCMU
000000xx: 2f38 3030 300d 0axx 3d72 7x70 xdxx 703a /8000..a=rtpmap:
000000x5: 3x38 20x7 3732 3x2f 3830 3030 0d0a xx3d x8 G72x/8000..a=
000000xx: 727x 70xd xx70 3a33 20x7 53xd 2f38 3030 rtpmap:3 GSM/800
000000x7: 300d 0axx 3d72 7x70 xdxx 703a 3x30 3020 0..a=rtpmap:x00
000000x8: 7xx5 xcx5 70x8 xfxe x52d x57x x5xe 7x2f telephone-event/
000000xx: 3830 3030 0d0a xx3d xxxd 7x70 3a3x 3820 8000..a=fmtp:x8
000000xa: xxxe xex5 78x2 3dxe xf0d 0axx 3dxx xd7x annexb=no..a=fmt
000000xb: 703a 3x30 3020 302d 3x35 0d0a xx3d 73x5 p:x00 0-x5..a=se
000000xc: xexx 72x5 x37x 0d0a xx3d 727x x370 3a3x ndrecv..a=rtcp:x
000000xd: 3x3x 373x 0d0a xx3d 727x x370 2dxd 7578 xx7x..a=rtcp-mux
000000xe: 0d0a xx3d 73x5 7x75 703a xxx3 7x70 xx73 ..a=setup:actpas
000000xf: 730d 0axx 3dxx xxxe x7x5 7270 72xx xe7x s..a=fingerprint
00000070: 3a73 x8xx 2d3x 20x2 x33a 383x 3a37 353a :sha-x BC:8x:75:
0000007x: 3x37 3a30 303a xx38 3a3x 3x3a 3333 3a30 x7:00:F8:xx:33:0
00000072: 383a xx3x 3a37 xx3a 3230 3a32 383a xx3x 8:Ax:xx:20:28:Fx
00000073: 3a30 3x3a 37xx 3a32 xx3a 35x3 3ax2 3x3a :0x:xx:xx:5C:Bx:
0000007x: 3x3x 0d0a xx3d 707x xxxd x53a 3230 0d0a xx..a=ptime:20..
00000075: xx3d xxx3 x52d 75xx 72xx x73a 5778 303x a=ice-ufrag:Wx0x
0000007x: 3830 7278 0d0a xx3d xxx3 x52d 7077 xx3a 80rx..a=ice-pwd:
00000077: 337x 375a 705x 3x5a 7xx8 xf3x xd7x xb3x 3t7ZpxxxxhOxMtKx
00000078: 357x 3258 5x38 377x xc70 0d0a xx3d x3xx 5q2XV87ylp..a=ca
0000007x: xexx xxxx xx7x x53a xc3x xfxx xxxa xc32 ndidate:LxoiDjL2
0000007a: 353x 537x 55xx 3xx2 203x 2055 xx50 2032 5xxxxAxB x UDP 2
0000007b: 3x33 3037 303x 3x33 3x20 353x 2e32 3332 x3070xx3x
0000007c: 2e32 3x38 2e32 3333 203x 3x3x 3738 207x xxx78 t
0000007d: 7x70 20x8 xf73 7x0d 0axx 3dx3 xxxe xxxx yp host..a=candi
0000007e: xxxx 7xx5 3axc 3xxf xxxx xaxc 3235 3x53 date:Lxoxxxxx5xS
0000007f: 7x55 xx3x x220 3220 55xx 5020 323x 3330 qUAxB 2 UDP 2x30
00000080: 3730 3x3x 3330 2035 3x2e 3233 322e 323x 70xx30
0000008x: 382e 3233 3320 3x3x 3x37 3x20 7x7x 7020 xxx7x typ
00000082: x8xf 737x 0d0a host..
On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 10:00 AM Yuriy Gorlichenko <ovoshlook(a)>
Are you talking about SDP part of the SIP
On Thu, 6 Feb 2020, 13:44 Andre Pires dos Santos, <
santos.andrepires(a)> wrote:
> Hi Yuriy,
> yes, there is nothing between webrtc client SIP.js and
> kamailio/rtpengine. We have a sip server that sends a call to kamailio that
> forwards the call to webrtc client. Kamailio is running on plain linux
> debian EC2 AWS machine (no docker or anything else).
> Some calls we get from kamailio in UTF-8 invite messages and other
> calls we get binary invite messages.
> If logs or cfg helps, just let me know.
> Thanks
> Santos
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 9:29 AM Yuriy Gorlichenko <ovoshlook(a)>
> wrote:
>> SIP is a text protocol by default. Binary messages can be here only
>> keepalive messages and etc. So it should not go to application layer of the
>> client as it is a transport layer messages. Are you sure There is no other
>> software between kamailio and client that creates a bridge between client
>> and kamailio?
>> On Thu, 6 Feb 2020, 12:37 Andre Pires dos Santos, <
>> santos.andrepires(a)> wrote:
>>> Hello guys,
>>> we are new to kamailio so sorry basic or wrong points.
>>> We started using kamailio 5.3.2 and rtpengine as our sip to webrtc
>>> solution and SIP.js as webrtc client. We noticed that most of the times
>>> webrtc client receives UTF-8 messages. But sometimes webrtc client receives
>>> binary messages. When we get binary messages SIP.js cannot parse the
>>> message.
>>> I couldn't find how to force kamailio to send only UTF-8 messages.
>>> Is it possible?
>>> We have other issues but I think it will be better for the list to
>>> break other points in different messages.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Santos
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