Unfortunately my attachment was not included :-)
I then figured out my mistake, I didn't notice the sentence that recommend
to increase
the max number of connections to mysql.
When I did increase the max number of connections, it solved my problem.
Strangely enough when I checked the processes running, it seemed as if ser
was running, there was also
a bunch of defunct processes of ser, but I was thinking it was normal.
The problem is now fixed, and I got serweb to run and create users
Now I'm into connecting ser to a FXO and an FXS from welltech.
Thanks for the follow-up.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jan Janak" jan@iptel.org
To: "Samy Touati" samy@tunix.com
Cc: serusers@lists.iptel.org
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2003 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Serusers] serweb configuration on alternate port
where is the confirmation email ?
On 26-08 11:44, Samy Touati wrote:
Here is the confirmation email I receive.
I do add the port 5001 when I paste the link into the browser.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jiri Kuthan jiri@iptel.org
Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 10:37 am
Subject: Re: [Serusers] serweb configuration on alternate port
Can you forward us the confirmation email? -jiri
At 04:38 PM 8/26/2003, Samy Touati wrote:
I installed ser along with mysql and serweb.
I'm able to login in admin mode using serweb.
I tried to create new users using the subscribe
button, the process goes smootly, and I do get an email
asking me to confirm.
When I do click on the onfirmation link, the browser
tries to access the confirmation page, but I never
see it, and I never see any error (page not found..) it just goes
balnk forever.
In fact I can never see any link generated by php
and sent via email (password retrieval, account confirmation).
I'm running http on port 5001, but I'm taking care of adding
the port when accessing the pages, but to no effect.
Is anyone using serweb, is there something I should pay attention
if changing the default port number of apache ?
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Jiri Kuthan http://iptel.org/~jiri/
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