hih thanks for your respond, but seems you dont paid attention to my
problem, with ports opened and redirected to pulbic ip with the AWS
firewalling (tech support) call have sound, but and later NAT traversal
with rtpproxy as i understand in simple we must have:
then there's no sound...
El jue., 28 de feb. de 2019 a la(s) 05:25, Daniel Tryba (d.tryba(a)pocos.nl)
On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 04:04:45PM -0400, PICCORO
McKAY Lenz wrote:
N]OTE: the public ip are not a real interface in
the kamailio/rtppropxy
machine, are provided by the service AWS at amazon! a NAT kind i guess!
But how
are you calling rtp(proxy|engine) from kamailio? I think you
what its the relation fo that question? i already said that use socket and
both are in same machine
need to call rtpengine with the direction option to
accomplish what you
so i use unix socket in the rtpproxy one,
later with when i changed to rtpengine i use that:
cat kamailio.cfg | grep rtp
loadmodule "rtpengine.so"
modparam("rtpengine", "rtpengine_sock",
but if you are taking about what ip/interface we used the provided
cat kamailio.cfg | grep listen
listen=udp: advertise
the eth0 reports ip in kamailio server,
and AWS provide a kind of NAT with ip
want in your setup. Also look at the INVITEs (on
kamailio) to debug what
happens with regards to SDP rewriting.
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