Can anyone post a hint so I can figure this out.
I have a ser server using a DNS lookup for my SRV mediaproxy servers.
Everything works fine, and has been for some time.
Now I built a new ser server and want to go to the same mediaproxy servers
but I get the following error
Jul 26 09:47:36 localhost proxydispatcher[31666]: warning: none of the
proxies for domain
mydomain.com have responded
Jul 26 09:47:36 localhost proxydispatcher[31666]: error: No mediaproxy
servers found for the default domain.
I have included the new ser IP in the allow config of the mediaproxy
Even if I force the defaultproxy to one of the IP addresses of a mediaproxy
server I get the following error
error: couldn't forward command to (Connection reset by peer)
Any ideas???
Could it be a version issue or maybe the python-mysqld issue, I'm not using