Dear all,
Has anybody installed ser with sems and isdngw?
I checked the website and i found out a conf file (berlios)
but has problems when it calls the vm module.
The CAPI works fine with Asterisk PBX, but i prefer ser in order
to develop more advanced hybrid services (HOLD, TRANSFER etc).
Attached you can find the conf files.
Thanks in advance
# $Id: isdngw.conf.sample,v 1.5 2003/11/16 19:24:56 ullstar Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2003 Ulrich Abend
# This file is part of isdngw, a free isdn gateway plugin
# for sems, a free SIP media server.
# isdngw is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version
# For a license to use the ser software under conditions
# other than those described here, or to purchase support for this
# software, please contact by e-mail at the following addresses:
# info(a)
# isdngw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# isdngw.conf.sample
# ISDN Gateway Application Module for Sip Express Media Server (sems)
# sample configuration file
# whitespaces (spaces and tabs) are ignored
# comments start with a "#" and may be used inline
# example: option=value1, value2 # i like this option
# this file must be referenced in the global sems configuration file:
# sems.conf:
# isdngw module configuration (external file)
# config.isdngw=/etc/isdngw.conf
# backend selection: #
# #
# isdngw supports the classical isdn4linux standard by accessing the #
# /dev/ttyI* devices as well as CAPI 2.0 based drivers. You can mix both #
# technologies, e.g. using your classic fritzCard PCI with isdn4linux drivers #
# and your C4 card with CAPI. #
# #
# required parameter: enablei4l=< yes | no >
# enable I4L support?
# For isdn4linux support, you need
# - the linux kernel drivers for i4l loaded
# - read/write permissions for sems user on (some) /dev/ttyI* devices
# - you can (for whatever reason) use the "capidrv" kernel module
# to use CAPI based cards with I4L (this is not recommended though)
# required parameter: enablecapi=< yes | no >
# enable CAPI20 support?
# For CAPI support you need
# - a sems compiled with CAPI support (-DUSE_CAPI20 uncommented in Makefile)
# - the capi20 libraries from the isdn4k package properly installed
# - the kernel capi drivers loaded (run capiinfo to check!)
# CAPI20 support is experimental, tested with AVM FritzCard PCIV2 and C4
# i4l backend configuration: #
# #
# If you enabled isdn4linux backend support above, you can configure the #
# according parameters here. #
# Backend selection for in- and outgoing calls is done according to your #
# configuration. If a call matches the configuration of multiple backends #
# the device selection is non-deterministic. #
# #
# optional parameter: i4l_numoutdevices=<number of devices to be used>
# - specifies how many ttyI* devices to use for outgoing telephony calls
# - devices must be fully accessible by the vm process' user
# - this number also specified the maximum number of simultaneous
# outgoing phone calls (if not otherwise restricted)
# - you must specify exactly one parameter of i4l_numoutdevices and i4l_outdevices, not
# optional parameter: i4l_outdevices=<dev1>, <dev2>, <dev3>, ...
# - specifies which ttyI* devices to use for outgoing telephony calls
# - devices must be fully accessible by the vm process' user
# - the number of devices listed is the maximum of simultaneous
# outgoing phone calls (if not otherwise restricted)
# - you may not set i4l_numoutdevices if this parameter is set
# - e.g. i4l_outdevices=/dev/ttyI10, /dev/ttyI11, /dev/ttyI12
# optional parameter: i4l_numindevices=<number of devices used>
# - specifies how many ttyI* devices to use for incoming telephony calls
# - devices must be fully accessible by the sems process' user
# - the number of devices listed is also the maximum of simultaneous
# incoming phone calls (if not otherwise restricted)
# - you may specify only i4l_numindevices OR i4l_indevices, not both.
# optional parameter: i4l_indevices=<dev1>, <dev2>, <dev3>, ...
# - specifies which ttyI* devices to use for incoming telephony calls
# - devices must be fully accessible by the vm process' user
# - the number of devices listed is the maximum of simultaneous
# incoming phone calls (if not otherwise restricted)
# - you may specify only i4l_numindevices OR i4l_indevices, not both.
# - e.g. i4l_indevices=/dev/ttyI13, /dev/ttyI14
# optional parameter: i4l_lockdir=/where/to/store/lockfiles
# - specifies the directory where to put the lockfiles
# - may be useful if not run as root
# - default: i4l_lockdir=/var/lock
# optional parameter: i4l_inmsn=<msn1>, <msn2>, <msn3>, ...
# - specifies the all msn's the i4l backend listens for calls on
# - a call is only accepted if the according SIP call is successfully placed
# - other ISDN equipment *may* also listen on this numbers, the
# first to accept the call is the lucky one then
# - IMPORTANT: no other isdn4linux application may bind to any of that numbers
# - wildcards may be specified here like 81462* or *
# - example: i4l_inmsn=12345, 54321*
# optional parameter: i4l_mapping=<number1>, <number2>, ...
# - specifies what numbers are called via the isdn4linux backend
# - a call is only placed to the PSTN network if it matches one mapping (i4l
# or capi controller mapping below)
# - wildcards may be specified here like 81462* or *
# - A "*" means that all calls are allowed and get routed via i4l
# optional parameter: i4l_numchannel=<number of available b-channels>
# - specifies how many B-channels should be used with isdn4linux backend
# - isdngw checks for availability of a channel before trying to route
# the call, if another backend allows a connection and i4l has no
# more channels available, other backend will be used
# - the value does not have to be the real number of channels, you can
# limit the max number of simulatenous connections with this parameter
# - if this parameter is omitted, isdngw tries to detect this number
# by accessing /dev/isdninfo, this fails if capidrv is used or the
# user running sems does not have read permissions on this device
# CAPI 2.0 backend configuration: #
# #
# If you enabled capi backend support above, you can configure the #
# according parameters here. #
# Backend selection for in- and outgoing calls is done according to your #
# configuration. If a call matches the configuration of multiple backends #
# the device selection is non-deterministic. #
# #
# optional parameter: capi_inmsn=<msn1>, <msn2>, <msn3>, ...
# - specifies the all msn's the capi backend listens for calls on, this
# setting is per controller based
# - cards with multiple interfaces supply multiple
# (virtual) controllers (e.g. AVM c4 supplies controller 1 to 4)
# - you can use the capiinfo utility to see what controllers are available
# - a call is only accepted if the according SIP call is successfully placed
# - other ISDN equipment *may* also listen on this numbers, the
# first to accept the call is the lucky one then
# - wildcards may be specified here like 81462* or *
# - isdngw currently supports up to 8 controllers
# - example: capi_inmsn=12345, 54321*
# optional parameter: capi_<ctrlnumber>_mapping=<number1>, <number2>,
# - specifies what numbers are called via each capi based controller backend
# - this parameter must be specified for every controller to be used
# (first controller: "capi_1_mapping" second controller:
# - a call is only placed to the PSTN network if it matches one mapping (i4l
# or capi controller mapping below)
# - wildcards may be specified here like 81462* or *
# - A "*" means that all calls are allowed and get routed via the specified
# capi controller
# - if multiple expressions match the longest wins, e.g. if controller 1
# handles 12345* and controller 2 handles 1*, controller 1 gets the calla
# to 1234567
# - if you use the same expression for two or more controllers, the lower
# controller number is tried first, if no line is available the other(s)
# is tried. In case of other errors, the call is not tried more than once.
# - isdngw currently supports up to 8 controllers
# - example:
# capi_1_mapping=0*
# capi_2_mapping=8*, 9*
# capi_3_mapping=1*, 2*, 3*, 4*, 5*, 6*, 7*
# optional parameter: capi_<ctrlnumber>_numchannel=<number of available
# - specifies how many B-channels should be used with each CAPI controller
# - the value does not have to be the real number of channels, you can
# limit the max number of simulatenous connections with this parameter
# - if this parameter is omitted, isdngw detects the number of available
# channels automatically
# - example:
# capi_1_numchannel=1
# capi_2_numchannel=1
# capi_3_numchannel=
# SIP configuration: #
# #
# Configure all SIP related settings here. #
# #
# optional parameter: msnsipcaller=< yes | no >
# - specifies if the SIP caller username should be used as
# outgoing msn (works only if SIP caller userpart is e164 style number)
# - defaults to yes
# optional parameter: outmsn=<msn>
# - specifies the default msn for outgoing calls
# - if msnsipcallee is set to "yes" this number is only used,
# if SIP caller userpart is not e164 compliant
# - if 0 is used, the number used depends on the configuration
# of the PSTN telephony system
# required parameter: callerdomain=<domainname>
# - specifies the domainname that is used as initiator of the SIP calls
# - the caller address is composed as follows:
# <calling-number>@<callerdomain>
# required parameter: calleedomain=<domainname>
# - specifies the domainname that is used as destination of the SIP calls
# - the callee address is composed as follows:
# <called-number>@<calleedomain>
# misc configuration: #
# #
# Other configuration options follow. #
# #
# optional parameter: clip=< yes | no >
# - specifies whether Caller LIne Representation should be used
# - no means hide caller number, yes means show caller number
# - this works for CAPI but not for i4l, behaviour of i4l depends on
# the configuration of the telephony system
# - defaults to yes
# optional parameter: minnumberlen=<minimum lenght of number>
# - specifies the minimum number of digits on an outgoing call
# - shorter numbers are rejected
# - defaults to 4
# optional parameter: outlogfile=<file>
# - specifies a log file, where all calls are listed
# - WARNING: this function is unimplemented yet!
# end of file.
# $Id: sems.conf.sample,v 2003/08/28 19:13:25 rco Exp $
# sems.conf.sample
# Sip Express Media Server (sems)
# sample configuration file
# whitespaces (spaces and tabs) are ignored
# comments start with a "#" and may be used inline
# example: option=value1, value2 # i like this option
# global parameters #
# optional parameter: fork={yes|no}
# - specifies if sems should run in daemon mode (background)
# optional parameter: stderr={yes|no}
# - debug mode: do not fork and log to stderr
# optional parameter: loglevel={0|1|2|3}
# - sets log level (error=0, warning=1, info=2, debug=3)
# optional parameter: fifo_name=<filename>
# - path and file name of our fifo file
# optional parameter: ser_fifo_name=<filename>
# - path and file name of Ser's fifo file
# optional parameter: plugin_path=<path>
# - sets the path to the plug-ins
# - may be absolute or relative to CWD
# voicemail specific parameters #
# optional parameter: announce_path=<path>
# - sets the path where announce files are searched for
# optional parameter: default_announce=<filename>
# - sets the name of the default announce WAV file
# optional parameter: max_record=<seconds>
# - maximum record time
# optional parameter: smtp_server=<hostname>
# - sets address of smtp server
# optional parameter: smtp_port=<port>
# - sets port of smtp server
# module specific parameters #
# add more module configurations here (inline or external):
# config.mymodule=<filename>
# or
# config.mymodule=inline
# ...
# config.mymodule=end
#isdngw module configuration (external file)
# $Id: ser-isdngw.conf,v 1.2 2003/09/09 17:48:22 ullstar Exp $
# isdngw sample config script
# please direct comments to ullstar(a)
# ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------
# setup parameters according to your needs. Most people will only have
# to adjust the listen and alias parameters below.
debug=1 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd)
log_stderror=no # (cmd line: -E)
check_via=yes # (cmd. line: -v)
dns=0 # (cmd. line: -r)
rev_dns=0 # (cmd. line: -R)
# Add the name of your system here
# for more names add alias entries, all that might be used as domain in SIP URI
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/"
# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# You may want to define things like databases here. Please refer to
# the extensive SER documentation for this purpose. Module parameters
# are always described in the modules README files.
# For pure isdn gateway functionality only a database is needed, we use
# a simple textfile for this purpose. Actually this is only neccessary until
# the vm module is reworked. Simply copy the etc/db directory from the isdngw
# directory somewhere and specify it in the following statement:
modparam("voicemail", "db_url","/root/ser/db")
# ------------------------- request routing logic -------------------
# This section describes how SIP messages are handled.
# workaround needed for some buggy UAs (e.g. MS Messenger)
modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
# The routing is described now:
# initial sanity checks -- messages with
# max_forwars==0, or excessively long requests
if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
# we record-route all messages -- to make sure that
# subsequent messages will go through our proxy; that's
# particularly good if upstream and downstream entities
# use different transport protocol
# loose-route processing
# deal with my domain first
if (uri==myself) {
# the following allows for user-agent registration
# in concerns of the isdn gateway this means:
# register a SIP phone with <telephonenumber>@<this server name>
# and configure the isdn gateway to listen on the number specified as
# the user (<telephonenumber>).
# Incoming calls are then directed to this user agent
# Note: This sample configuration does not use a persistent storage, so
# if you restart SER you have to re-register your SIP client to make this
# work. Refer to the userloc module's documentation for setting up
# persistent contact storage.
if (method=="REGISTER") {
if (lookup("location")) {
if (!t_relay()) {
# ############################## #
# isdngw specific configuration #
# ############################## #
if(method=="INVITE" || method=="BYE" ||
# send a response right at the start to avoid retransmissions
t_reply("100","Trying -- just wait a minute !");
# isdngw only gets activated on invite requests
# isdngw feels to be responsible for numeric userparts
# all numbers followed by @ and anything after it match
# this expression
# for example: matches.
# The vm command (from module vm) is used to contact the
# media server and though it the isdngw.
# /tmp/am_fifo is the fifo filename ued for communications, make
# shure the permissions are correct and that the same fifo
# filename is defined in sems.conf.
log("could not contact isdngw\n");
t_reply("500","could not contact isdngw");
# we dont feel responsible for sip addresses not starting with
# a number, so send the right error code.
} else {
t_reply("404","Not Found");
# stop routing here, the message is now processed by the media server
# The following handles the call termination, we must pass these requests
# to the media server as follows. Again make shure the fifo name and permissions
# are set correctly (like im sems.conf).
log("could not contact the media server\n");
t_reply("500","could not contact the media server");
# other methods than INVITE, BYE and CANCEL are not handled by this SIP Server
# so we sent an error message
} else {
log("ERROR: method not supported\n");
t_reply("500", "sorry, method not supported");
} else {
# for any reason the transaction could not be created, send error code
log("could not create new transaction\n");
sl_send_reply("500","could not create new transaction");
# not uri=myself, this SIP request is not directed to us, simply direct it to its
# correct destination
} else {
if (!t_relay()) {
# end of routing.