I try to setup the pa module and I have some errors.
The pa always send a NOTIFY with a status set to CLOSED.
I have also see in some olds mails that it is possible to add an xcap server, what is doing this server?
Is a free xcap server available?
My config:
modparam("pa", "default_expires", 1800)
modparam("pa", "timer_interval", 10)
modparam("pa", "use_db", 0) # def=0 disable db support
modparam("pa", "use_place_table", 1) # def=0 disable use of place table
modparam("pa", "use_bsearch", 0) # def=0 disable use of binary search for location
modparam("pa", "use_location_package", 0) # def=0 disable use of location package
#modparam("pa", "pa_domain", "bigU.edu") # def name of xcap server
modparam("pa", "db_url", "mysql://..........")
modparam("pa", "presentity_table", "presentity") modparam("pa", "presentity_contact_table", "presentity_contact")
modparam("pa", "watcherinfo_table", "watcherinfo")
modparam("pa", "place_table", "place")
modparam("pa", "new_watcher_pending", 0) # def=0 default state ofwatchers 0=active
modparam("pa", "pidf_priority", 1) # def=1 default priority of contacts in pidf documents