Hello experts!
I have a problem with the owner of rtpproxy.sock. When I use the -u parameter at start of rtpproxy like "rtpproxy -s unix:/var/run/rtpproxy.sock -u sip:sip" the owner and group of the socket is still "root root".
Is this correct? Should not it be sip sip?
I want to avoid kamailio running as root and therefore I have to modify the permissions of rtpproxy.sock after start of rtpproxy accordingly.
My question now is: Maybe I have a misunderstanding in the purpose of the -u parameter. What is the behaviour of the -u parameter? Can anyone shed some light on this?
Regards Franz
2009/1/1 Franz Edler franz.edler@inode.at:
Hello experts!
I have a problem with the owner of rtpproxy.sock. When I use the -u parameter at start of rtpproxy like "rtpproxy -s unix:/var/run/rtpproxy.sock -u sip:sip" the owner and group of the socket is still "root root".
Is this correct? Should not it be sip sip?
Yes, it should be (if "sip" user really exists). Please, paste the result of:
ps -ef | grep rtpproxy
Yes, it should be (if "sip" user really exists). Please, paste the result of:
ps -ef | grep rtpproxy
Thanks, here it is:
ps -ef | grep rtpproxy sip 2745 1 0 Jan02 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/rtpproxy -s unix:/var/run/rtpproxy.sock -u sip root 7372 7367 0 20:51 pts/2 00:00:00 grep rtpproxy
regards Franz
2009/1/4 Franz Edler franz.edler@inode.at:
Yes, it should be (if "sip" user really exists). Please, paste the result of:
ps -ef | grep rtpproxy
Thanks, here it is:
ps -ef | grep rtpproxy sip 2745 1 0 Jan02 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/rtpproxy -s unix:/var/run/rtpproxy.sock -u sip root 7372 7367 0 20:51 pts/2 00:00:00 grep rtpproxy
It's really strange. In my case if I run as root your command I get a socket with "sip" owner. ¿? Did the socket already exist? If so, remove it before start RtpProxy.
Hi Iñaki,
It's really strange. In my case if I run as root your command I get a socket with "sip" owner. ¿? Did the socket already exist? If so, remove it before start RtpProxy.
This I did several times, but it's always the same.
Further info: - I start rtpproxy at startup via /etc/rc.local. This are the commands in rc.local: /usr/local/bin/my_stun -P /home/sip/my_stun.pid -u sip -D /usr/local/bin/rtpproxy -s unix:/var/run/rtpproxy.sock -u sip chmod go+rw /var/run/rtpproxy.sock /usr/local/sbin/kamctl start
The "chmod" command is my workaround for now.
This is the way I created the user sip: adduser --disabled-password --disabled-login sip
Any idea?
Regards Franz