I don't know exactly what I have configured, but this configuration works.
If you haven't changed the default passwords, then remove the modparam("acc", "db_url","sql://ser:serXXXX@localhost/ser") lines.
-----Original Message----- From: Jan Janak [mailto:jan@iptel.org] Sent: Sat 26.07.2003 17:39 To: Director General: NEFACOMP Cc: serusers@lists.iptel.org Subject: [Serusers] Re: SIP-H.323 IWF Put setflag(3) also into the loose_route condition. Do I understand it correctly that INVITEs get logged while BYEs not ?
On 26-07 17:44, Director General: NEFACOMP wrote:
Can it report on missed calls if if the acc.so module was not loaded? I tried setflag(1); and setflag(3); but both won't report completed calls
I am attaching my ser.cfg file Also remember to check my ALIASES configuration. They work for my FXS but don't work for XLite.
Thanks, Emery ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jan Janak" jan@iptel.org To: "Director General: NEFACOMP" dg@nefacomp.net Cc: "serusers" serusers@lists.iptel.org; "Jiri Kuthan" jiri@iptel.org Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 18:11 Subject: Re: SIP-H.323 IWF
make sure that acc module is loaded, and that for all messages you execute setflag(1); in your script. This flags marks transactions that will be accounted.
If it still doesn't work, send your complete configuration file to serhelp@lists.iptel.org, but BEFORE DOING SO, really check that acc modules is compiled with database support (if you want db support) and that it is loaded and you use setflag in the script.
On 26-07 17:14, Director General: NEFACOMP wrote:
First of all thanks for the help you always provide to unforunate users
me. The guides you gave me for the accounting module were followed and I can
have missed calls entered in the database but unfortunately I cannot see completed calls.
Any help? I need all the calls in my DATABASE. Completed and
Thanks Emery ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jan Janak" jan@iptel.org To: "Director General: NEFACOMP" dg@nefacomp.net Cc: "serusers" serusers@lists.iptel.org; "Jiri Kuthan" jiri@iptel.org Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 17:41 Subject: Re: SIP-H.323 IWF
No and it will not be supported.
On 26-07 15:41, Director General: NEFACOMP wrote:
Does SER implement something like "interworking function (SIP-H.323
I saw this at the URL
p-h323-interworking-reqs-02.txt of the SER website.
I am asking this because I have a H.323 Mediatrix Gateway that I
upgrade to SIP.
Thanks, __________________________________ NZEYIMANA Emery Fabrice NEFA Computing Services, Inc. P.O. Box 5078 Kigali Office Phone: +250-51 11 06 Office Fax: +250-50 15 19 Mobile: +250-08517768 Email: dg@nefacomp.net http://www.nefacomp.net/
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