Sorry for re-posting but I am still stuck with the following:
1) I have modified my ser.cfg (based on ser 0.9.0 onsip getting started document) for missed calls based on example from the Terena IP Telephony Cookbook. I get an error with the line: acc_request("404 Not Found"); parse error - unknown command, missing loadmodule? Even though I have loaded the acc.so and tm.so modules and used modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 3);
2) Besides that when I comment the above out, I am under the impression that if a user 314 rings user 2092 and hangs up before user 2092 answers i.e. sending a CANCEL message - an entry for this should now be in the "missed_calls" table fo the ser database....Is this correct?...I tested this scenario and the table was still empty. Could someone explain what I am missing?
Many thanks (relevant part of ser.cfg included below) Aisling.
//ser.cfg # native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB if (!lookup("location")) { #sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); #break; #new entered 20/07/05 #call invitations to off-line users are reported using #the acc_request action; to avoid #duplicate reports on request retransmissions, request # is processed statefully (t_newtran, t_reply) if ((method=="INVITE" || method=="ACK") && t_newtran()){ t_reply("404", "Not Found"); #acc_request("404 Not Found"); break; }; #all other requests to off-line users are simply #replied statelessly and no reports are issued sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); break; } else { #user on-line; report on failed transactions; #mark the transaction for reporting using the same #number as configured above; if the call is really missed, # a report will be issued setflag(3); #forward to the users current destination t_relay(); break; }; }; route(1); }
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On 26-07-2005 16:19, Aisling wrote:
Sorry for re-posting but I am still stuck with the following:
I have modified my ser.cfg (based on ser 0.9.0 onsip getting started document) for missed calls based on example from the Terena IP Telephony Cookbook. I get an error with the line: acc_request("404 Not Found");
The name of the function is acc_log_request. Each module has a README file which lists all functions and parameters exported by the module.
parse error - unknown command, missing loadmodule?
Even though I have loaded the acc.so and tm.so modules and used modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 3);
Besides that when I comment the above out, I am under the impression that if a user 314 rings user 2092 and hangs up before user 2092 answers i.e. sending a CANCEL message - an entry for this should now be in the "missed_calls" table fo the ser database....Is this correct?...I tested this scenario and the table was still empty. Could someone explain what I am missing?
No, it should be there -- it is a missed call for 2092.