my code has no connection to any BBUA. It is just providing the maximum call duration information back to OpenSER which can later do what u want it to do with this info.
I personally use yate (yate.null.ro) to provide call cut when the calls are going out on PSTN, by adding an extra SIP Header in OpenSER and then later process it in Yate to timeout the calls. I guess there are unlimited possibilities later, if u have the information available in OpenSER AVPs, including creating your own timer module which sends a session cancelation order to RTPProxy (heard that it is possible to kill the calls with RTPProxy, but never done it).
Let me know if I was clear enough.
Cheers, DanB
On 7/2/07, A.M. agentm@themactionfaction.com wrote:
On Jul 2, 2007, at 11:10 , Dan-Cristian Bogos wrote:
as a personal gratitude for all the efforts involved in opensource projects, especially in OpenSER community, I would like to contribute myself with a bit of code, investing in something I considered useful for this community.
Hereby, I inform u that the first release of FreeRADIUS-CDRTool connector module is available for download and use at sourceforge.net. Project link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/frad-cdrtool/
Basically, FreeRADIUS-CDRTool is a FreeRADIUS module written in python (therefore one might need to compile rlm_python in FreeRADIUS to make it work), able to connect on CDRTool Engine via the Telnet socket (the only way I found recommended by CDRTool folks) and perform different actions via Prepaid API, like return maximum value for the call, instruct CDRTool to lock accounts already in a call, instruct unlocking at end of the call and balance debiting, etc. This module should be used together with OpenSER radius authentication and accounting. If proper configured, FreeRADIUS-CDRTool can authorize calls for CDRTool Prepaid users. At the starting of each call the module will return the maximum call duration allowed, information which can be processed later in a bbua scenario to timeout the calls reaching 0 balance, and total credit available at starting of the call, all through SIP-AVP Radius Attributes.
Hi- thanks for the information. How does your code interact with the b2bua? Which b2buas are supported?
Cheers, M