Dear all
I have post many question about multidomain support help for openser i need cfg file which you ppl are useing caz openser.cfg is bit harder for me and i have also find many help on ser on google but still i m confuse about parmeter and options
if anybody have done this configuration send it me or explain me how to do it
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Satish Patel mobile:- +91-9818875535
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El Sábado, 15 de Diciembre de 2007, satish patel escribió:
Dear all
I have post many question about multidomain support help
for openser i need cfg file which you ppl are useing caz openser.cfg is bit harder for me and i have also find many help on ser on google but still i m confuse about parmeter and options
if anybody have done this configuration send it me or explain me
how to do it
Before searching in Google use OpenSer site doc.
For multidomain the only you need is to set "use_domain" parameter in any module you use containing that parameter. Take a look to the parameters providers by the modules you use: and in each case set: modparam("auth_db", "use_domain", 1)
That's all.
PD: Another thing is you want to establish differente permissions inter-domain and so, then you must play a little more with your cfg.