Need for immediate resolution .. please help ..
thanks, ed Hi
when you compiled ser, did you edit the Makefile in the modules/acc directory
If not please do, it can either use radius OR mysql, hence comment out the lines u dont need, and then recompile and start ser
I appreciate your immediate feedback and Im so thankful for extending your help to me. However, after I followed the instruction you gave, this is what happened.
speed:/usr/local/src/project/ser-0.8.14# /usr/local/ser/sbin/ser -f /usr/local/ser/etc/ser/ser.cfg start & [1] 23521 0(23521) set_mod_param_regex: parameter <db_url> not found in module <acc> 0(23521) parse error (49,60-61): Can't set module parameter 0(23521) set_mod_param_regex: parameter <db_flag> not found in module <acc> 0(23521) parse error (50,29-30): Can't set module parameter
I remember during my ser installation, I use make all. Will this enable my accounting using mysql.
thanks, ed