Hello All :
I have installed SER + SEMS to implement voicemail, but only the first call can connect to voicemail, and can mail message.wav to callee's e-mail address . but after the first call , i can not connect to voicemail until i restart SEMS then i execute "sems -E " it shows that:
(29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) ERROR: run (AmServer.cpp:161): odd trailer (29104) WARNING: sig_usr_fifo (sems.cpp:84): signal 2 received (29103) WARNING: sig_usr_fifo (sems.cpp:84): signal 2 received (29103) WARNING: sig_usr_fifo (sems.cpp:84): signal 17 received
How to solve this problem ??
*ser.cfg and sems.conf was attached.
本郵件附件清單如下: (1). sems.conf.txt (1.4 K) (2). ser.cfg.txt (7.3 K)