Hi guys,
I'm experiencing troubles w/ dial plans. Here is part of my ser.cfg :
if (is_user_in("From", "pstn-allowed")){ if (uri=~"^sip:0") { strip(0); t_relay(); log(0, "**************** LOCAL ***************\n"); break; break; break; } else { if (uri=~"^sip:[1-9]") { log(0, "\n\n************ PSTN ***********\n"); rewritehostport("xx.xx.xx.xx:5060"); append_branch("xx.xx.xx.xx"); t_relay(); t_relay_to_tcp("xx.xx.xx.xx", "5060"); log(0, "********************************************\n\n\n"); break; };
When I call local user 123456 this way 0123456 ( 0 is the prefix ) it's forwarded to the pstn gw???!!! If I call any pstn number it works fine... only internal calls doesn't work the way they have to. Somebody can tell me where's the problem.
Thanks in advance!