I'm struggling to understand how all the bits of a VOIP system fit together and whether OpenSer can act as a UA and authenticate to a remote proxy.
What I want to achieve is this. Incoming SIP calls are first routed to a SIP phone on the network. If this is unavailable, the call is then redirected to another proxy of a voip service provider with whom I have an accout, whence it should be routed to my mobile phone. I guess I can rewrite the call URI to mymobilenumber@proxy.voipprovider.tld, but I will need to authenticate to the proxy to authorise the call and have it charged to me.
Can I do this with SER, or do I need something else (Asterix?) for this sort of function?
Openser is a SIP proxy and thus were not made to handle this situations. But you could try the uac module. This module was written for this scenarios. but be aware, you might experience problems if the voipprovider uses a proxy which is very strict (CSeq problem between your SIP proxy and the voipprover SIP proxy).
regards klaus
Chris Hastie wrote:
I'm struggling to understand how all the bits of a VOIP system fit together and whether OpenSer can act as a UA and authenticate to a remote proxy.
What I want to achieve is this. Incoming SIP calls are first routed to a SIP phone on the network. If this is unavailable, the call is then redirected to another proxy of a voip service provider with whom I have an accout, whence it should be routed to my mobile phone. I guess I can rewrite the call URI to mymobilenumber@proxy.voipprovider.tld, but I will need to authenticate to the proxy to authorise the call and have it charged to me.
Can I do this with SER, or do I need something else (Asterix?) for this sort of function?