not sure if anyone tested all the cases you asked for you, and if did
it, still has the results fresh in memory. So, if nobody answers soon,
you should try to test yourself (and then share the results with the
Here I can provide some guidelines of how you could setup testing:
- craft the invite with the sdp you want in a file
- use sipsak (or protoshoot from misc/tools/) to send the content of
the file
- use the sdpops functions in kamailio.cfg to do the operations, then
do msg_apply_changes() and log the message buffer $mb and check the result
No need to make real calls or use proper phones, you can reply a 404 to
stop sipsak retransmissions.
As a bonus contribution back to the project, you can turn these
scenarios into tests of existing testing framework:
The behaviour of the sdpops module is not fully clear to me.
Lets say in the INVITE contains in the m= line the payloads 0 99 but has no a= line for
codec 0 / PCMU, Would the sdp_keep_codecs_by_name(“PCMU”) keep PCMU ?
What about the case that the INVITE contains in the m=line only the payload 99 but shows
an additional a=line for codec 0 / PCMU. Would the sdp_keep_codecs_by_name(“PCMU”) keep
PCMU ? If yes, would the extra mtype parameter prevent that? e.g.
sdp_keep_codecs_by_name(“PCMU”, mtype)
What happens when several m= lines are present? Does sdp_keep_codecs_by_name consider all
m=lines ? Are the treated separately?
What happens to payloads which are not in the hard-coded list in sdpops_data.c ? Can they
be used with the sdpops functions?
Thanks for your hints.
Best Gerry
codecsmap_t sdpops_codecsmap_table[] = {
{ {"PCMU", 4}, {"0", 1} },
{ {"GSM", 3}, {"3", 1} },
{ {"G723", 4}, {"4", 1} },
{ {"DVI4", 4}, {"5,6,16,17", 9} },
{ {"LPC", 3}, {"7", 1} },
{ {"PCMA", 4}, {"8", 1} },
{ {"G722", 4}, {"9", 1} },
{ {"L16", 3}, {"10,11", 5} },
{ {"QCELP", 5}, {"12", 2} },
{ {"CN", 2}, {"13", 5} },
{ {"MPA", 3}, {"14", 2} },
{ {"G728", 4}, {"15", 2} },
{ {"G729", 4}, {"18", 2} },
{ {0, 0}, {0, 0} }
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