Hi Helge,
the message is the result of a REGISTER retransmission ; as the
registration is stateless, the retransmission will be processed exactly
as the original request - and usrloc reports bad registration because
both requests has the same callid and cseq.
there is a thread on devel about his issue (originated by Juha) with
more info and the future fix.
Helge Waastad wrote:
I have a Loadbalanced scenario with two servers of each (2x
LB/Dispatchers and 2x Routers)
Each router has its own location table.
They both replicate REGISTERS (forward_tcp/save_noreply).
However every now and then I get:
ERROR:usrloc:update_contacts: invalid cseq for aor
This happens for all contacts
I do not really know why, since all the transactions seems allright to
me and that it happens only now and then...
Any clues to help med debug further?
br hw