I was using lcr for failover with a route that looks like.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ { if(!t_check_status("200")){ xlog("got to failure route 2 lcr"); if (!next_gw()) { xlog ("503, service not available - no more gateways"); t_reply("503", "Service not available - no more gateways"); exit; } else { t_on_failure("2"); xlog("lcr forwarding invite from $fu to -> $ru"); t_relay(); return; }; };
} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------
The t_relay after the line that says xlog("lcr forwarding invite from $fu to -> $ru"); no longer works. I can see the correct $fu and $ru values in the xlog output but the t_relay is never done. For example..
my.sip.proxy.ip -> my.pstn.gw.ip SIP/SDP Request: INVITE sip: +13143212222@my.pstn.gw.ip:5060;transport=udp, with session description my.pstn.gw.ip -> my.sip.proxy.ip SIP Status: 100 Trying my.pstn.gw.ip -> my.sip.proxy.ip SIP Status: 604 Invalid Number Format my.sip.proxy.ip -> my.pstn.gw.ip SIP Request: ACK sip: +13143212222@my.pstn.gw.ip:5060;transport=udp
just ends there where as witn 1.1 it would then forward the invite to the next gw in the lcr table. Any help would be greatly appreciated.