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Registered Contributors

This is the list of contributors over the time that are still affiliated with the project (have developer account at the starting point Nov 2011, with write access to GIT repository). The list may not be completely up to date, as new people could join the development team and this page is not automatically regenerated.

Those that have the role admin can be contacted for administrative purposes related to GIT repository (e.g., adding new developers). All people listed here should be available on our development mailing list sr-dev [at]

List of Names

The list is alphabetic order by name.

Name GIT User ID Role Affiliation
Alex Balashov abalashov - -
Alexandr Duboovikov adubovikov - -
Alex Hermann alexh - -
Alfred E. Heggestad alfredh - -
Andreas Granig agranig - -
Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul andrei admin -
Bogdan Pintea bpintea - -
Carsten Bock carstenbock - -
Cesc Santasusana cesc_santa - -
Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel admin -
Di-Shi Sun di-shi - -
Dmitry Isakbayev isakdim - -
Dmitry Semyonov dsemyonov - -
Dragos Vingarzan dvi - -
Elena-Ramona Modroiu ramona admin -
Elias Baixas ebaixas - -
Eric Ptak eptak - -
Gabriel Vasile gabriel - -
Gergely Kovacs gkovacs - -
Greg Fausak lgfausak - -
Greger V. Teigre greger - -
Hendrik Scholz hscholz - -
Henning Westerholt henning admin -
Inaki Baz Castillo ibc - -
Jamey Hicks jamey - -
Jan Janak janakj admin -
Jason Penton jason.penton - -
Jesus Rodriguez jerocu - -
Jiri Kuthan jiri admin -
Jon Bonilla manwe - -
Juha Heinanen jh - -
Karel Kozlik kozlik - -
Klaus Darilion darilion - -
Libor Chocholaty liborc - -
Marius Ovidiu Bucur mariusbucur - -
Marius Zbihlei mariuszbihlei - -
Martin Hoffmann martinh - -
Matthew Williams mgw - -
Maxim Sobolev sobomax - -
Michal Matyska mma - -
Miklos Tirpak tirpi - -
Mihaly Meszaros misi - -
Nils Olhmeier calrissian - -
Olle E. Johansson oej - -
Ondrej Martinek ondra - -
Jan Ondrej ondrejj - -
Ovidiu Sas osas - -
Pavel Kasparek paka - -
Peter Dunkley pd - -
Peter Lemenkov peterlemenkov - -
Peter Nixon peternixon - -
Raphael Coeffic rco - -
Raul Alexis Betancor Santana rbentancor - -
Sven Knoblich sknoblich - -
Timo Reimann treimann - -
Timo Teras tteras - -
Tomas Mandys tma0 - -
Vaclav Kubart kubartk - -
Victor Seva Lopez linuxmaniac - -
Vladimir Marek vlada - -
Will Quan willquan - -

External Contributors

This is the list of contributors that don't have developer account (no direct write access to GIT repository), but who submitted relevant patches that were accepted by existing developers.

List of Names

Name Contact Affiliation References to Contributions
- - - -
devel/active-contributors.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/06 13:56 by linuxmaniac

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