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Continuous Integration on Kamailio Project

Automated Debian/Ubuntu package building

The build system for Debian and Ubuntu packages service is kindly sponsored by Sipwise. Sipwise is providing the hosting and man power to create and manage this system. is based on jenkins-debian-glue project running on AWS EC2 environment thanks to Michael Prokop and myself. All the needed files, scripts and info to reproduce this system is kept public at github.

  • nightly builds are been built if a change is detected in the branch, once by night.
    • kamailiodev-nightly
      branch: 'master'
      distributions: jessie, wheezy, squeeze, precise
    • kamailio41-nightly
      branch: '4.1'
      distributions: jessie, wheezy, squeeze, precise
    • kamailio40-nightly
      branch: '4.0'
      distributions: lenny, squeeze, wheezy, lucid, precise
    • kamailio33-nightly
      branch: '3.3'
      distributions: lenny, squeeze, wheezy, lucid, precise
  • tags are been built if a new tag is detected once by night.
    • kamailio41
      branch: '*/tags/4.1*'
      distributions: jessie, wheezy, squeeze, precise
    • kamailio40
      branch: '*/tags/4.0*'
      distributions: lenny, squeeze, wheezy, lucid, precise
    • kamailio33
      branch: '*/tags/3.3*'
      distributions: lenny, squeeze, wheezy, lucid, precise
devel/ci-proposal.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/20 12:04 by linuxmaniac

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