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Kamailio and MongoDB

Details about how to use Kamailio with a MongoDB backend.

Kamailio Database

The use command in mongodb client mongo creates the database if it doesn't exit:

# mongo
> use kamailio

To display the databases, you can use:

> show dbs

Note that a database is not shown by the above command if it is empty – you need to add some records to it.

Version Table

Kamailio uses version table to check if the structure of a database table has the structure version the C code expects.

A table is MongoDB is named collection. To create the collection version, do:

> db.createCollection("version")

List the existing collections in the current database:

> show collections

Version Table Records

Add the records for the other Kamailio tables you are going to use. Some examples:

> db.getCollection("version").insert({table_name: "subscriber", table_version: NumberInt(6) })

> db.getCollection("version").insert({table_name: "location", table_version: NumberInt(8) })

> db.getCollection("version").insert({table_name: "presentity", table_version: NumberInt(4) })

> db.getCollection("version").insert({table_name: "watchers", table_version: NumberInt(3) })

> db.getCollection("version").insert({table_name: "active_watchers", table_version: NumberInt(11) })

To learn what is the version number for a specific table, look inside lib/srdb1/schema/, there is an xml file with the name of the table and inside it you should see the version attribute.

Other Tables

MongoDB doesn't have a schema definition for documents stored in a collection. It is not required to create a collection before inserting a record to it.

Anyhow, if you want, you can create the collections in advance, using:

> db.createCollection("tablename")

Kamailio Config


You need to load the “db_mongodb” module in the configuration.

The corresponding database URL in kamailio.cfg:

  • if MongoDB is on local host and there is no username and password to connect to it:
#!define DBURL "mongodb://localhost/kamailio"
  • if MongoDB is on local host and there is an username and password to connect to it:
#!define DBURL "mongodb://username:password@localhost/kamailio"

Other Parameters

If you store location records in MongoDB, set the following parameter for usrloc modules:

modparam("usrloc", "db_insert_null", 1)
tutorials/kamailio-and-mongodb.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/07 08:24 by henningw

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