Table of Contents
User Authentication Using LDAP Backend
Content is specific for Kamailio v4.0.x and OpenLDAP on a Debian/Ubuntu system.
- install OpenLDAP library (libldap) v2.1 or greater, libldap header files (libldap-dev) are needed for compilation
- read the documentation of auth module:
- read the documentation of ldap module:
You have to store user profile attributes in LDAP tree. It is up to you to decide the structure, just have in mind that you have to store SIP password as a dedicated field and its value has to be plain text or HA1 format.
In this tutorial the example is with plain text SIP password stored in SIPPassword field. SIP username is stored in a dedicated field as well, namely SIPUserName. The SIP profiles are grouped under ou=sip,dc=example,dc=com.
Next is an example of LDAP tree storing profiles for SIP subscribers.
- dc=example,dc=com | +- ou=users | | | +- cn=sip_proxy -- sn: sip_proxy | -- userPassword: proxypwd | +- ou=sip | +- cn=user1 -- SIPUserName: user1 | -- SIPPassword: pwd1 | +- cn=user2 -- SIPUserName: user2 -- SIPPassword: pwd2
LDAP Module Configuration File
It has to be stored in:
- /usr/local/etc/kamailio/ldap.cfg
[sipaccounts] ldap_server_url = "ldap://" ldap_bind_dn = "cn=sip_proxy,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" ldap_bind_password = "proxypwd"
Kamailio Configuration File Snippet
Parts of the config file to plug in your kamailio.cfg. route[LDAPAUTH] should replace route[AUTH] in default kamailio.cfg, but you may still need to take some bits from route[AUTH] and merge them in route[LDAPAUTH], up to what requirements you have for your routing authentication.
... loadmodule "" ... modparam("ldap", "config_file", "/usr/local/etc/kamailio/ldap.cfg") ... route[LDAPAUTH] { if(!(is_present_hf("Authorization") || is_present_hf("Proxy-Authorization"))) { # no credentials header - send back challenge auth_challenge("$fd", "1"); exit; } # do ldap search to fetch the password ldap_search("ldap://sipaccounts/ou=sip,dc=example,dc=com?SIPPassword?one?(cn=$fU)"); $var(rc) = $rc; if ($var(rc)<0) { switch ($var(rc)) { case -1: # no LDAP entry found sl_send_reply("404", "User Not Found"); exit; case -2: # internal error sl_send_reply("500", "Internal server error"); exit; default: sl_send_reply("403", "Not allowed"); exit; } } if(!ldap_result("SIPPassword/$avp(password)")) { sl_send_reply("404", "User Not Found"); exit; } if (!pv_auth_check("$fd", "$avp(password)", "0", "1")) { auth_challenge("$fd", "1"); exit; } # authentication ok - continue processing }