i'm getting five of these to syslog:
Jun 1 20:11:42 localhost /usr/sbin/sip-router[14204]: WARNING: <core> [usr_avp.c:882]: i: and s: avp name syntax is deprecated!
i checked and the only place where i have i: or s: are the tm module
params that we discussed with jan about:
# egrep 'i:' /etc/sip-router/sip-router.cfg
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer_avp", "i:704")
modparam("tm", "fr_timer_avp", "i:705")
modparam("tm", "contacts_avp", "i:711")
that is three, not five. i wonder where those five warning come from?
-- juha
kex module documentation has:
3.4. setbflag(flag [, branch])
flag - the index of the branch flag to be set. Can be integer or
pseudo-variable with integer value.
are quotes "" always required?
does not give an error (or at least i cannot find one from among all
those debug messages that seem to be on by default).
if quotes are required, is it sure that if string is an int, it will be
evaluated when the script is processed and not when script is run?
-- juha
the html file generated from tm module docbook does not have a table of
content, which is very handy to browse and have links inside the file
when referring to a function or parameter. See for comparison:
This seems to be because of using <section> as root tag, the modules
coming from K use <book> and ToC is generated. I tried with <chapter> as
root tag and I got ToC.
Can be <section> upgraded to <chapter>/<book>? Or is used somewhere in
this form and shall have new file, like tm-book.html, that has <book> at
top of document and will be used for online docs?
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
i'm not down to 3 syntax errors from 600+. here is one of them:
while (1) {
0(7054) WARNING: <core> [cfg.y:2898]: warning in config file, line 1838, column 12: constant value in while(...)
how do i write a while statement where condition is always true?
-- juha
Module: sip-router
Branch: master
Commit: 229fd4f9d5685e1f41c790b7e6b69533d2d9e8f0
URL: http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=229fd4f…
Author: Jan Janak <jan(a)iptel.org>
Committer: Jan Janak <jan(a)iptel.org>
Date: Mon Jun 1 17:30:37 2009 +0200
docbook: Generate TOC for root-level section elements
Change the configuration of docbook XSL stylesheet so that they
generate the table of contents even for documents whose root-level
element is <section>. This is needed for docbook documentation in
modules that originate from SER.
docbook/html.xsl | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docbook/html.xsl b/docbook/html.xsl
index 0468528..2551f41 100644
--- a/docbook/html.xsl
+++ b/docbook/html.xsl
@@ -8,4 +8,29 @@
<!-- Common XHTML customization -->
<xsl:import href="html.common.xsl"/>
+ <!-- Display all subsections in in the toc of READMEs -->
+ <!-- Enable TOC for sections -->
+ <xsl:param name="toc.section.depth">4</xsl:param>
+ <xsl:param name="generate.section.toc.level">4</xsl:param>
+ <!-- This is the default value of generate.toc modified so that we get TOC
+ in documents whose root element is root, but only for the root
+ section element. Non-root section or sectX elements have been removed
+ so that they never generate a TOC. -->
+ <xsl:param name="generate.toc">
+ appendix toc,title
+ article/appendix nop
+ article toc,title
+ book toc,title,figure,table,example,equation
+ chapter toc,title
+ part toc,title
+ preface toc,title
+ qandadiv toc
+ qandaset toc
+ reference toc,title
+ /section toc
+ set toc,title
+ </xsl:param>