i'm getting lots of these:
0(13997) WARNING: <core> [usr_avp.c:882]: i: and s: avp name syntax is deprecated!
and didn't find anything about that on tips page.
where is the new avp name syntax explained?
modules_k/avpops/README still has this:
* avp_flags = type_flags [script_flags]; type_flags = 'I' |
'i' | 'S' | 's'; script_flags = 0..255
'I' or 'i' means that the type of avp name is integer (ID)
'S' or 's' means that the type of avp name is string
The type flag is mandatory.
-- juha
this is my current list of unresolved script errors:
- tm module lacks onreply_avp_mode param. how does sr tm behave related
to avp visibility?
- this kind of if expression results in parse error:
if ([$avp(i:712) & 1]) {
how to re-write it so that it is accepted?
-- juha