Hello, comments inline.
On 24-07 16:45, Juan J. Sierralta P. wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 16:17, Jan Janak wrote:
> > > First of all thanks to SER developers for the great work.
> > > I'm new to SIP and SER, I been playing with it a week ago and I was
> > > able to setup a 0.8.11pre, and now I want to try the voicemail service.
> > > It seems that I need to run another SER instance for voicemail and
> > > redirect the requests to that instance.
> >
> > No, you can run it on the same server.
> >
> > > It is posible to process the voicemail request on the same instance I
> > > use to forward/register users ?
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > > Or I need a second SER running. In case of 2 SER servers, it is posible
> > > to run them in the same box using diferent ports and diferent databases
> > > ?
> >
> > Yes, if the servers listen on different ports and use different
> > databases.
> The problem I see with two instances is maintaing the users table
> syncronized to get the email address.
You can use the same table as for the "routing" SIP server.
subscriber table (the table which contains usernames and
correspondings e-mails) is not modified by the proxy or voicemail,
so there is no need to synchronize it.
I mean the routing proxy will query the table to get credentials and
voicemail will query it to get email addresses.
> So is there an example out there how to implement voicemail in the same
> instance used for forwarding/register.
A sample config file for a voicemail running within another ser
instance is attached. Note that you can also put the snippets of the
config into the main proxy config, you need no separate instance.
> Correct me if I'm wrong:
> - I receive an INVITE for an offline user.
> - I detect the offline status and must rewrite the uri in some way to
> signal echo,conference or voicemail.
> The problem I see if I rewrite the URI the VM will no be able to locate
> the user's email address.
It uses To header field to get URI of the callee, To header
field URI never changes.
PS: Please always CC the list.