Dear All
I want user who register with my openser also register with my
asterisk for later lookup.
I tried t_replicate function from TM module but no luck. I end up with
Unauthorized message.
Could any help me how to make this work? What do I miss ?
Thank so much
Halomoan Zhou
Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb:
> Hi Klaus,
> the [..] operator is used to convert generic numerical value (maybe
> result of arithmetic ops to logical value.
> in your example, the == is already a logical operator, so no need to any
> conversion.
Does ($rd == "mydomain") works too?
is this somewhere documented? The corebook only describes assignments,
but not conditions/comparisons.
from the core cookbook of 1.2:
> If you want to evaluate arithmetic operations and test the value in
> conditions, use the test operator ' [ ... ] ' . This is required to
> convert the result to internal convention for drop, true and false.
> if ( [ $var(a)&4 ] ) {
> xlog("bit 3 is set in var a");
> }
Is there somewhere a detailed description of the test operator? Can it
only be used to test for 0/1 or can I also do comparison like e.g.
if ([ $rd == "" ]) ?
Hi, many times a softphone or PC crashes without sending the un-REGISTER, so
the user remains in location table.
OpenSer allows sending SIP ping to users, is not possible to delete the
location entry for a user who has left responding to those SIP pings?
Iñaki Baz Castillo
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I want add others information about my test, providing also the log
of MediaProxy WEB GUI.
Windows Client used : X-Lite Version 3.0 build
First scenarious : Client_A and Client_B running on Windows XP in
the same LAN behind same NAT.
Client_A call Client_B and During the
conversation MediaProxy WEB GUI (
it/serweb/mediaproxy/) show me following dump:
Call | Caller |Called |Via
address |status |Duration|....
100.122.144 | - | - ||inactive|
0'59'' |....
To:enzo@| - | -
| | | |
And after
60 seconds the session expired and MediaProxy WEB GUI don't show it.
Result: the RTP packet dont' pass through the Mediaproxy, but the
packet go directly from one computer to another of my Lan.
Windows Client used : X-Lite Version 3.0 build 29712
Client used : X-Lite Version 2.0 build 1105d
Client_A runnning on
WindowsXP and Client_B running on Linux Fedora in the same LAN behind
same NAT.
Client_A call Client_B and During the conversation MediaProxy
WEB GUI ( show me
following dump:
Call |
Caller |Called
F:j2me@ |
62969 |
To: enzo(a)
| |
|Via address
|status |Duration|....
| |active | 1'25''
Result: the RTP packet pass through the Mediaproxy, that acts
as "man in the middle" anf forward RTP packet
versus clients of my
Why MediaProxy, in windowz -> windowz client communications
doesn't work?????
>Hi to All,
>I'm investigating again about
Mediaproxy and SER , but in
>this test i'm using the
>the testbed of whic use
>SER and Mediaproxy in a public ip
>I'm using Client_A (X-
>lite) running on WindowsXP
>and Client_B (X-lite) running
>on WindowsXP
>My Lan use a router with a public ip
>So the clients are behind the same Nat.
>Using ethereal i
>see that
during the conversation the RTP packet dont' pass through the
>Mediaproxy in public ip ( but the packet go directly
>from one computer to another of my Lan.
>So the question is :
>architecture (with Mediaproxy or with SEMS or other..) i have to
use in
>order to
>have a proxy RTP that work as man in the middle and
manage all
>RTP Traffic between the two clients?
>Please help me.
I am using default seas configuration. When I tried to start openser seas module can not be loaded althoug module is compiled without problem. I tried 1.2.0 and 1.2.2 and the same problem occurred.
It seems that it could not find "dprintf" function. How can I solve this problem?
root@~: openser -ddddddddddd
0(43499) loading module /usr/local/lib/openser/modules/
0(43499) DEBUG: register_pv: tm
0(43499) xl_add_extra_spec: extra items list is not initialized
0(43499) xl_add_extra_spec: inserting extra item [T_branch_idx] at [0]
0(43499) xl_add_extra_spec: inserting extra item [T_reply_code] at [1]
0(43499) loading module /usr/local/lib/openser/modules/
0(43499) ERROR: load_module: could not open module </usr/local/lib/openser/modules/>: /usr/local/lib/openser/modules/ Undefined symbol "dprintf"
and config is below
# ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------
debug=9 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd)
#log_stderror=no # (cmd line: -E)
# Uncomment these lines to enter debugging mode
listen = tcp:
listen = udp:
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
#set module path
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/openser/modules/"
loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/openser/modules/"
modparam("seas", "listen_sockets","")
modparam("seas", "stats_socket","")
#modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
# ------------------------- request routing logic -------------------
# main routing logic
t_reply("500","No App Server");