Hey guys,
I am having a small headache with serweb and the latest version of ser..
tried to upgrade, and things went moderately smoothly... the main
problem was forgetting to use the "prefix=..." command when compiling
the source! However, whenever I have upgraded, the database always seems
to be a problem ... I don't know why this is, and the serweb database
fields never seem to be present in the ser_mysql.sh script... perhaps I
have done something very strange. However, I now seem to have a
functioning database and ser install again, and it has decided to start
loading my config again, so all is well. BUT! I seem to have lost
admin permissions, particularly for administering ACL's through
serweb... I can't figure out which combination of database entries to
So far I have 'perms' field in 'subscriber' table set to 'admin'
And I can see I need to put something in the admin_privileges table, but
I'm not sure of the values..
Can anyone who has it working please have a look in their DB and let me
know the values?
Many thanks
I have mysql v4.0+ installed. But it seems that there is no proper php-mysql
module for mysql v4.0. The php-mysql-4.2.x depends on libmysqlclient.so.10
which is for mysql v3.x.
Is there any solution for this dependency issue? Is the new php-mysql
package available?
By the way, I am using Redhat Linux 9.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Janak [mailto:jan@iptel.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1:34 AM
To: Linda Xiao
Cc: serusers(a)lists.iptel.org
Subject: Re: [Serusers] how to upgrade mysql to ver4.0+
As far as I know mysql can handle the upgrade automatically, so you just
need to upgrade the rpm packages of mysql.
If you have any important data in the database then I would also
recommend you to do backup using mysqldump, see man mysqldump.
On 26-07 16:52, Linda Xiao wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone illustrate the steps on how to upgrade mysql from ver3.23 to
> ver4.0? Basically I just want to use serweb-missed-calls feature.
> I have installed ser using rpm and the version is 0.8.12. and recompiled
> module for mysql support. I can see some records in the missed-call table
> using mysql command.
> Thanks and Best Regards
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Linda Xiao
> _______________________________________________
> Serusers mailing list
> serusers(a)lists.iptel.org
> http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
Hi Seruser list,
I am very sorry to trouble you again but sine last two days I am trying to send my recorded message from sems but i could not able to do.
my procedures is as given below...
I) I have added two user in in subscriber dadtabse with serctl command.
(serctl add koyama, koyama, zehi_koyam(a)yahoo.com)
(serctl add matsu, matsu, matsu(a)yahoo.com
2)I have granted permission for these user as
(serctl acl grant koyama voicemail)
(sertl acl grant matsu voicemail).
I hasve also started my sendmail program and it is working fine..
Now i have logged in as matsu and try to reach at koyama but since she is not available then i got a greeting message and request to record my message. When the recording was over..then sems want to send the meassage using email as a sender voicemail(a) ( mine sip proxy address).but it get the trouble as Domain of sender address voicemail(a) does not exist
what is the problem I could not guess even i am able to send the message from using the command "serctl mail koyama".....
Could you give me some clue....I am also inserting the log........
thanks in advance..
(2828) DEBUG: read_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:120): RECEIVED: 220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8; Thu, 29 Jul 2004 00:20:24 +0900
(2828) INFO: connect (AmSmtpClient.cpp:96): welcomes us
(2828) DEBUG: send_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:147): SENDED: HELO
(2828) DEBUG: read_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:120): RECEIVED: 250 localhost.localdomain Hello vovida [], pleased to meet you
(2828) DEBUG: send_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:147): SENDED: quit
(2828) DEBUG: read_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:120): RECEIVED: 221 2.0.0 localhost.localdomain closing connection
(2828) DEBUG: run (AmMail.cpp:112): Mail deamon starting its work
(2828) INFO: connect (AmSmtpClient.cpp:92): connected to:
(2828) DEBUG: read_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:120): RECEIVED: 220 localhost.localdomain ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.8/8.12.8; Thu, 29 Jul 2004 00:20:24 +0900
(2828) INFO: connect (AmSmtpClient.cpp:96): welcomes us
(2828) DEBUG: send_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:147): SENDED: HELO
(2828) DEBUG: read_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:120): RECEIVED: 250 localhost.localdomain Hello vovida [], pleased to meet you
(2828) DEBUG: send_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:147): SENDED: mail from: voicemail(a)
(2828) DEBUG: read_line (AmSmtpClient.cpp:120): RECEIVED: 553 5.1.8 voicemail(a) Domain of sender address voicemail(a) does not exist
(2828) ERROR: send_command (AmSmtpClient.cpp:173): smtp server answered: 553 5.1.8 voicemail(a) Domain of sender address voicemail(a) does not exist
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We are implementing a Sip Express Router install along with SEMS and SerWeb.
I have to say, SER is the best sip proxy I have seen from the ones I have demoed.
I am having problems with the routing logic setup portion.
SEMS is working, I tested it by changing the main route, but all calls were forwarded to the voicemail.
Can someone provide a sample that routes only calls not answered after 20 secs or who are offline (but
registed as a user in the mysql database) to the voicemail? Is there anyway to dial
the voicemail from your SIP client?
I also need a sample setup that shows NAT, we are going to have some clients connected behind NAT I am
Lastly, the first time I installed SER (I screwed it up major and had to reinstall)
I was using MySQL 4.0, now I am using mysql-3.23, the default for WhiteBox Enterprise Linux. When I
was using 4.0, it was giving database connection errors, something about the authentication method was
not supported. Will I have this problem if I reupgrade to 4.0 to use the unions on the SerWeb
"Missed Calls Page"?
I am using SER version ser-0.8.14, SEMS sems-0.1.1 and the CVS build for 7/27/04 of
SerWeb. My config is listed below....
SerWeb works great, I just seem to have trouble tracking this stuff down. I also
have RPMS of the versions listed for WhiteBox that will work with the stock RedHat Enterprise Linux
server if anyone wants them.
Doug Eubanks
# $Id: ser.cfg,v 2003/11/10 15:35:15 andrei Exp $
# simple quick-start config script
# ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------
debug=7 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd)
log_stderror=yes # (cmd line: -E)
/* Uncomment these lines to enter debugging mode
check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v)
dns=no # (cmd. line: -r)
rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R)
# ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
# Uncomment this if you want to use SQL database
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/rr.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/mangler.so"
# loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/mediaproxy.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/nathelper.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/vm.so"
# Uncomment this if you want digest authentication
# mysql.so must be loaded !
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/auth.so"
loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so"
# ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
# -- usrloc params --
#modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0)
# Uncomment this if you want to use SQL database
# for persistent storage and comment the previous line
modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
# -- auth params --
# Uncomment if you are using auth module
modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
modparam("auth_db", "db_url", "sql://REMOVED@sip.simflex.net/ser")
modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "sql://REMOVED@sip.simflex.net/ser")
# If you set "calculate_ha1" parameter to yes (which true in this config),
# uncomment also the following parameter)
modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
# -- rr params --
# add value to ;lr param to make some broken UAs happy
modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
# ------------------------- request routing logic -------------------
# main routing logic
if (!proxy_authorize("sip.simflex.net" /* realm */,
"subscriber" /* table name */ )) {
proxy_challenge("sip.simflex.net", "0");
# initial sanity checks -- messages with
# max_forwards==0, or excessively long requests
if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
if ( msg:len > max_len ) {
sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big");
# we record-route all messages -- to make sure that
# subsequent messages will go through our proxy; that's
# particularly good if upstream and downstream entities
# use different transport protocol
# loose-route processing
if (loose_route()) {
# if the request is for other domain use UsrLoc
# (in case, it does not work, use the following command
# with proper names and addresses in it)
if (uri==myself) {
if (method=="REGISTER") {
# Uncomment this if you want to use digest authentication
# if (!www_authorize("sip.simflex.net", "subscriber")) {
# www_challenge("sip.simflex.net", "0");
# break;
# };
# native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB
if (!lookup("location")) {
sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");
# forward to current uri now; use stateful forwarding; that
# works reliably even if we forward from TCP to UDP
if (!t_relay()) {
This e-mail and any attachments thereto may contain information, which is confidential and/or protected
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hello friends ,
iam trying to have put the sql authentication into
the script.
can any body guide me.
does i need to use serctl add
to give the users and there passwords
please give me if any sample config files are there
with regards
ser die hard
Do you Yahoo!?
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Hey there List,
People have been very helpful in helping to point me in the right
direction for vm handling using asterisk.. and I'm making some
progress. I manage to have some of the calls handed off to asterisk,
using a failure route. This is the code snippet:
failure_route[4] {
# If we've got here, it means that a call timer has expired, and
the user is in the
# voicemail group. Therefore we're going to try and hand off the
call to the Asterisk
# voicemail system.
log (1, "VOICEMAIL: Handing off to Asterisk\n");
However, I am seeing two problems which I've been bashing my head
against a brick wall for a little bit .... The first is that it only
works if you dial the numerical alias, not if you dial the user name...
do you know how I can make sure it's the alias being passed to * and not
the username?
Secondly, even though I have put the logic block for checking if a user
is a vm user before checking if a user is online, I can't seem to get to
the mailbox for an offline user.. I just get a 404 not found....
# Make sure we check the aliases table
# Enable diverted voicemail functionlity DB 26-07-2004
# Does user have vm activated? (i.e., is in the
voicemail (ser->grp) group?)
if (!(method=="MESSAGE") && (is_user_in("Request-URI",
"voicemail"))) {
log(1, "VOICEMAIL: vm user detected, activating
failure route");
# native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC
if (!lookup("location")) { # BEGIN if not in location
If you have any ideas at all, I would be very very grateful.
Many thanks again for all the help...
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Bogdan-Andrei IANCU wrote:
> zolia(a)z1sys.com wrote:
> >hello,
> >
> >is it possible to do source ip authentication besides normal
> >www_authorize() for every user account?. This, as i understand, should
> >prevent from intercepting credentials and later faking sip message to
> >bypass www_authorization ?
> >
> this doesn't work. for each authentication challenge, ser generates an
> noun that is kept into memory for a short period of time. So, this kind
> of exploit is very limited - only if somebody trys in real time to do it
> and in very narrow time window.
yes probably, is would work only in real time, ie. to write some small
proxy, which rewrites authorization header putting in in parallel sniffed
encrypted password. Its a bit harder..
> IP checking doesn't help you - they can be also spoof. Plus, against
> what address you check when the user register for the first time? or if
What do you mean by "first time"? If there are only one IP from which UA
requests MUST originate, then it should be possible to check it.
> the user use multiple client in the same time?
This would not be possible in our scenario.
> bogdan
> > Or maybe there are some other counter measures
> >against such fraud?
> >
> >Does src_ip comes directly from ip layer? If so, i could probably use this
> >to check with some external database (ie. ser subscriber)?
> >
> >Antanas
> >NTT
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Serusers mailing list
> >serusers(a)lists.iptel.org
> >http://lists.iptel.org/mailman/listinfo/serusers
> >
> >
> >
I'm trying to test SER SIP server. Up to now I installed SER and MySQL.
Now I'm trying to install SERweb and I found a couple of troubles.
I installed serweb_2004-01-04 version. The first question was that in
all the files in html directory the requires had "prepend.php" while in
phplib directory it was "prepend.php3". That was easily solved by moving
or linking prepend.php3 to prepend.php.
Then I found the next trouble. Asking for the web
user_interface/index.php or admin.index.php I got "Fatal error: Call to
undefined function: put_headers() in
/var/www/html/iptel/html/user_interface/index.php on line 9"
I think that that function should be defined because before in index.php
it has a require:
require "../../../../phplib/prepend.php";
and prepend.php also has a require including session.inc where the
function is defined.
Blindly I tried to change index.php a bit:
Instead of having:
require "../../../../phplib/prepend.php";
require "../../../../phplib/oohforms.inc";
page_open (array("sess" => "phplib_Session"));
I wrote:
require "../../../../phplib/prepend.php";
require "../../../../phplib/oohforms.inc";
page_open (array("sess" => "phplib_Session"));
But it also failed with the message:
Database error: cannot use database
MySQL Error: 1046 (No Database Selected)
Session halted.
Whan am I doing wrong? Should I send any other information to help
discover the mistake?
Thanks in advance,
The reasons can be so diverse, try reinstall mysql from scratch on your
machine, watch out for the questions like "what is your root password"
and remember it", you need at least to have it up and running (and get
familiar with it) before attempting to run SER on it
Start reading here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/
I have rebooted the server and tried to recreate the DB with the script
"ser_mysql.sh create".
And suddenly I started getting this error, even though all was working
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'root at localhost' (Using password:
Any guidance or feedback would be appreciated.
Try use mysql client in the command line like this
mysql -u ser -pXXX -h192.168.251.200 ser
If it does not work it means you do not have the rights, add rights in
MySQL with:
login as root on mysql server
grant ALL ON ser.* TO ser@"192.%" IDENTIFIED by "XXX";
grant ALL ON ser.* TO ser@"localhost" IDENTIFIED by "XXX";
Dear all;
I am receiving this error every time I start PHP
Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for
user: 'ser at intranet' (Using password: YES) in
/export/home/serweb/serweb_2004-01-04/phplib/db_mysql.inc on line 73
Database error: pconnect(, ser, $Password) failed.
MySQL Error: ()
Session halted.
Have anyone experienced this this before.
Your help is greatly appreciated.