sr-dev February 2011
  • 22 participants
  • 124 discussions

git:master: - Updated patch and example config after testing.
by Carsten Bock
14 years

git:master: - Updated the patch and the Protocol towards the RTP-Proxy ( removed the timeout-socket-type)
by Carsten Bock
14 years

git:master: modules_s/nathelper: rtpproxy functionality removed
by Ovidiu Sas
14 years

git:master: modules_s/nathelper: rtpproxy functionality removed
by Ovidiu Sas
14 years

git:master: cfg framework: accept 0 int value within a group instance
by Miklos Tirpak
14 years

git:master: tm: t_pick_branch() cannot ingnore the pending blined UACs
by Miklos Tirpak
14 years

git:carstenbock/ims: - First start of the Reg-AVP's implementation: Ported the database consistency from modules_s/ser. The ucontact now contains a new item: avps, which holds the avps to a contact.
by Carsten Bock
14 years

fosdem 2011 presentation about p_usrloc
by Henning Westerholt
14 years

git:mariuszbihlei/consistent_hashing: modules_k/ p_usrloc Added consistent hashing API and sample usage from p_usrloc
by Marius Zbihlei
14 years

Fosdem2011 presentation: SIP Web20 Lua
by Daniel-Constantin Mierla
14 years
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